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Games I've yet to finish and why :(

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  • scary and the story doesn't seem very interesting. But the scariness keeps getting me back. I think I might finish it or just get real close. At the department store right now.

  • I think I got sick of the dreary landscape and there's a lot of sidequests hampering my progress in Rivet City. But lately I've been itching for any kind of RPG so perhaps I'll get back to this.

    UPDATE: I got back to playing it this week and I'm back into the setting again. Turns out I just needed a break from the dreariness. Now I'm doing a quest in D.C. for some guy in Rivet City. I'm actually really liking this dystopian world despite the mutants and raiders.

  • I'm actually making progress lately and the story is getting a little interesting at chapter 13. The missions take me a long time but I'm learning to rush them through especially with the smoke grenade now.

  • It didn't feel as if I was getting stronger and I'm starting to get sick of being a vampire. I'll motivate myself to find a cure and get back on track.

  • I want to beat this. I thinkI just start this. I want to play episode 2. So I have to beat this. But for some reason Half Life 2 gives me motion sickness sometimes. Weird cuz I don't get it in other FPSs.

  • I made it to a new plane or something but I have no idea where that save went. It's been so long since I've played I kind of forgot how. Now I think I have to load up a previous save than my latest one :(

  • I just started playing this but now I don't feel like playing because I don't want to gather resources :\ Is the story going to be good?

  • it's getting kind of repetitve. I'm in act 3 with a Conjurer. I don't know where I'm headed with this guy but spamming the multi fireballs and getting tiresome and my summons suck.