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What's happened in our middle schools

I always thought that my first blog post was going to be something substantial.  Maybe I'd finally finish that article on the Japanese structure of academic literature and its visible effect on story telling in Japanese games.
Nope, instead my first blog is going to be a knee jerk reaction to one incredibly dumbfounding rule I discovered at the middle school where I do tutoring at.  For awhile now, I've had many students with folders and binders almost bursting at their seams.  I finally decided to ask one today why he didn't just carry multiple folders, one for each subject.  He responded it would be a bit harder to keep multiple folders with him from one class to another.  Puzzled, I ask why not just keep them in the book bag instead of carrying them by hand.  His response: the middle school does not allow students to carry book bags because there could be a bomb in one of them.  
I...seriously...what?  I don't have words that can describe my complete and utter puzzlement at the logic behind that rule.
Edit: had I bothered to scroll a bit further down the screen, I would have realized this is not actually my first blog post.  But that's not the point!