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6 BASIC tips for Old School Runescape Mobile Beginners!

Jagex's record breaking MMO Runescape was released back in 2001 and has continued to grow and adapt to a difficult MMORPG market. The online behemoth is the worlds largest free to play game and is still enjoyed by many today, be it the ever-evolving Runescape 3 or the nostalgic Old School Runescape based on a version of the game from 2007.

Old School Runescape Mobile released on iOS and Android devices recently in a bid to capture some of the massive mobile market. Here are 6 very basic tips for those new to the world of Gielinor!

Filter your chat log

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Here is a tip to save you space on your chat log. Press down the filter button at the top of the screen and select the game filter, this will filter out unnecessary notifications telling you every time you catch a lobster or chop a willow log - making it easier to interact with others.

Complete rune mysteries

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By completing the very simple but tedious Rune Mysterious quest, you will gain access to the Runecrafting skill! Runecrafting is very slow to level up but can be rewarding by crafting and selling higher level Runes. Completing the quest will give you a very brief idea of Runescape's vast quest system - It is unlike any other MMO out there.

Buy and sell items on The Grand Exchange

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What is the best way to sell all of those newly crafted runes, caught fish, fletched arrows or monster drops? The Grand Exchange! Located in Varrock, The Grand Exchange is a bustling hub of players buying and selling their wares. Simply head to The Grand Exchange counter and set up a sell or buy offer, the amount and price per item. If it doesn't buy or sell right away - you can always go and do some skilling or tend to real life matters. The Grand Exchange can be used like a real life stock market by buying low and selling high. The Runescape economy is player driven so prices will constantly fluctuate.

Set a bank pin

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Protect your items and set up a bank PIN! In the unlikely event that you are on the receiving end of a hack, you will want to ensure you have a PIN on your bank to protect all of your hard earned GP and items. Simply head to any bank and talk with any banker ad ask them about setting up a bank PIN.

View your skill guides

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By pressing on your skills tab and then again on any skill you will open up the skill book for any given skill. The skill book will provide some useful information; at what level you can catch new fish, wield higher tier weapons, use better prayers or unlocking new monsters to slay. It is always a good idea to look at the skill book to get more information on each skill.

Get skilling!

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One of the fundamental building blocks of Runescape is skilling. This is the act of performing skilling actions and gaining XP and/or items for your troubles. For example, cutting down Willow Trees will net you Willow Logs which can be used to train other skills like Firemaking or Fletching as well as gaining XP. Each skill maxes out at level 99 and the time it takes to get there varies.

These are six very basic tips to help you get started in the massive world of Runescape. Login, get out there, explore Gielinor and have fun!

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