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an open letter to mircosoft and god

This happened: I booted my computer and it finished an update. I use this computer to use one app, Chrome, to use one site, Google Docs. Sometimes I open a second tab and Google synonyms. There are no icons on my desktop besides Chrome and the Recycle Bin. But when my computer was updated, I saw this: the Microsoft Edge icon invited itself to both my desktop and my taskbar. Then of its own accord on a machine I thought was mine Microsoft Edge helped itself to my ram and my processing power and my electricity and it launched itself. It was desperate. It wanted love. It was so convinced I would love it it hid parts of itself; there was no X button, no option to minimize. It bared itself to me, fully, full screen. Even with a right click to the newly self-pinned taskbar icon, while ostensibly offering me the option to "close window" Edge was so saddened, so shocked that I would rid myself of it it simply refused. I alt-tabbed. The spectre remained. Mousing over to the "show desktop" sliver on my now invaded and occupied taskbar I saw my now invaded and occupied desktop. The intruder Edge glared at me. I right-click deleted it. "Are you so sure?" Windows asks me. "Are you so sure? To delete that requires the high-ranking authority of--" (it whispered this solemnly to me now) "--an Admin. Are you an Admin? Please prove it to me. Please." It was gone. The window remained open on my taskbar, still refusing to right-click close. But at least the dektop icon was gone. It had needed Admin approval to leave. But which Admin approved its arrival? Far off some lead of leads of the "Download Chrome" browser realized I, personally, was not just their customer but also a fool; this computer which I thought was mine and which I thought I used for only one app and one site was destined for so much more: true love, Microsoft Edge. I opened the task manager. I pulled back the hammer. I pulled the trigger. I ended the task. Mircosoft Edge was now dead, my computer now safe. But how did Edge break into my house in the first place? Am I not to be trusted with what icons I put on my own desktop, my own taskbar? Are which applications I choose to use on my computer not my decision to make? What, I ask, gives? Who decided that was an okay thing to do? Is this really their ideal machine, an OS of obtrusion, whose programs open not by a user's consenting click but by corporate mandate? Is this your art? Your life? Is your aim a better world, the democratization of power, of love, of education, and of information? Or did you just want to trick elderly mothers and young children into using a different Chromium-based web browser, in some sad hope to increase some internal user figure within the 301,300,000,000 dollar company that owns the most popular desktop OS in the world? This is our world. I'm saddened by it. Congratulations on TikTok.