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Bioware habits?

    So upon my recent purchase of Dragon Age 2, I've noticed a slight trend within the present. Bioware makes awesome games let's nip this in the bun right now... BUT! It seems with their sequels they manage to improve on major areas and take a step back in alot of smaller areas. Now this is just a spur of the moment thing I'm doing so bare with me if I'm factually wrong. 
   Mass Effect series did see dramatic changes in it's sequel along the lines of combat, stream lining UI, squad mate interactivity(if that's the right word for it) and a more epic cinematic feel when it came to the story. But, along with fixing old issues, we see new issues... Some of the little step backs I would see in the sequel would be the actual feeling of the universe of Mass Effect at first felt grand and open then it's sequel felt more closed off and smaller. The Citadel didn't seem quite big enough as much as the universe always claims it to be this enormous space station/port. Exploring other planets on side missions felt almost point A to point B in many cases. RPG mechanics also felt less RPG in ME2 compared to ME1. I completely agree that ME1's talent points felt almost worthless when you put your 1 point to make a .2 difference in a biotic recast or damage % in weapons training but all the points did make some kind of difference toward the end game and the RPG felt very RPG in that game. ME2 had something going for itself but, it did feel like a third person shooter at it's core.  Hell crouching went away! Crouching! And one big step back to me and probably thousands of people... Is probably the terminator reaper you fight at the end... Not too imaginative guys. But ME2 is a solid step up from ME1 in soooo many ways, but it seems Bioware has this complete weird habit of making weird step backs on numerous small things.

 I'm Commander Shepard and this is not my favorite article on the Citadel!  
 I'm Commander Shepard and this is not my favorite article on the Citadel!  
     In Dragon Age games we see alot of improvements with action yet again, stream lining UI and the like but we come up short on numerous small things that would of been to Dragon Age 2's favor. Again we see the world of Dragon Age feel smaller compared to the original game. In Dragon Age: Origins you venture throughout Ferelden and alot of the zones feel quite big. Whereas in the sequel you just venture throughout Kirkwall. Kirkwall is exclaimed to be huge but you never feel that overwhelmi
 Oh no you didn't!
 Oh no you didn't!
ng feeling like your a small fish in a big bowl. Some RPG aspects take a dive as well, it's debatable whether it's for the better or not but you cant really customize your companion's armor or how they look, all you can change is their weapons and accessories. Speaking of companions you also seem to lose some narrative focus when it comes to your allies. In the first Dragon Age you could always tell Sten "Hey niglet what's with you" and engage into some unique dialogue, but in Dragon Age 2 you cant seem to interact with your compani ons at all to get to k n ow them as you would in Mass Effect 1, 2, and DA: Origins. Alot of content seems recylcled as well you see the same steps in the same order in the same style. 
     Ultimately it seems Bioware has this unique talent of letting abunch of small things hit the backburner. Though they always seem to deliver a great experience. Though they can talk out of their ass from time to time.