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#1  Edited By Uncanny_Doom

While the review and Gamespot as a whole seem questionable, it's ridiculous for people to depend on those reviews so much. It being lower or higher than what you want shouldn't be taken so personally. I think the problem these days is that gamers are too much for alignment and picking favorites and not enough for sheer quality. Everything has to be a battle, what someone likes always has to be the best, and people jump to Game of the Year conclusions constantly and even prematurely before the game releases. Skyward Sword looks like a great game that I will enjoy. I know this not because of reviews, but because I watched trailers and read articles, and played past Zelda games. I don't need somebody else's numbers to reassure me that it will be good, I will take the chance and buy it when I can and if I don't like it, the world will go on.