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A Dreamer that's Uprooted

I am a one of a kind person, I march to the beat of my own drum and do not care what others say about me or my hobbies. For the most part I do not have a big ego but at times my ego does like to show it's ugly head. I am an American gamer that has been gaming ever since I can remember. The first system that I ever had was a hand me down NES system from my cousin when I was 3. I have been gaming ever since then, I do not ever see myself not playing video games. Video games are way too important to me and are way too addicting. I find that video games gives you an interactive escape from the world, which is something a movie can never give you. The only thing that rivals a video game for me is a good book, I am also an avid reader. I can read for hours upon hours without getting bored, many think I am weird for loving to read but I think they are weird for not loving to read. Some of my other hobbies are pro wrestling,UFC,other sports,going to the movies, writing(poetry,short stories & a novel), fishing, traveling and other random things. I love to write blogs and hopefully I will be able to write 1-3 blogs a week but I can not promise anything since I work and go to college.



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Edited By UprootedDreamer

I am a one of a kind person, I march to the beat of my own drum and do not care what others say about me or my hobbies. For the most part I do not have a big ego but at times my ego does like to show it's ugly head. I am an American gamer that has been gaming ever since I can remember. The first system that I ever had was a hand me down NES system from my cousin when I was 3. I have been gaming ever since then, I do not ever see myself not playing video games. Video games are way too important to me and are way too addicting. I find that video games gives you an interactive escape from the world, which is something a movie can never give you. The only thing that rivals a video game for me is a good book, I am also an avid reader. I can read for hours upon hours without getting bored, many think I am weird for loving to read but I think they are weird for not loving to read. Some of my other hobbies are pro wrestling,UFC,other sports,going to the movies, writing(poetry,short stories & a novel), fishing, traveling and other random things. I love to write blogs and hopefully I will be able to write 1-3 blogs a week but I can not promise anything since I work and go to college.

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Edited By desolation15

I am a small man, in every sense of the word. I like to refer my penis length in picas so it's in the double digits. I'm very vindictive, I create anonymous e-mail accounts and send passive aggressive memos to co-workers. At-least once a week, I would scour the web for places where I can sign people up for spam. It's a sickness, I started with only the people my shit list, but now I throw in the people in my contact list just for fun. I'm also very nosy, I invade people's privacy every chance I get. That is how I discovered my wife has been cheating on me with another man. She mocks me behind my back when she's with her girlfriends. She says she has never been with a real man before meeting her new lover, only her husband. I'm a bad father, my teenage daughter talks to me like I'm a stranger, or a nerd from class. Short, blunt, sarcastic remarks with a extra helping of eye-rolling. Like how girls used to talked to me in high school. I have no real-life friends, I had plenty but along the way I lost touch with them when I thought I didn't need them anymore. It's hard to make new friends when you don't have any. Hence my name. Oh, I also play video games.

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Edited By CaptainCody

Is the point of this thread for people to copy and paste their dating site profile bios?

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Edited By Twisted_Scot

Yeah...If you dot get around to writing those 3 blogs every week it's cool, we understand.