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<a href="">lam chan nang</a> is a product that protects buildings from the sun When th...

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Sun Louver is a product that protects buildings from the sun

lam chan nang is a product that protects buildings from the sun

When the building is facing west or in an area with too much light, it will reduce the life and quality of the building. In order to avoid the harmful effects of light, shielding products are an excellent protector of the building, enhancing the life and beauty of the building materials.

Sunscreens are a great way to shade outdoor areas and an easy way to protect the building itself from the sun. They can be added as an extension to the building, many modern day shielding systems come in a variety of styles to choose from and a motor can also be mounted for remote automatic control.

Sunshades help reduce the electricity bill and protect the environment:

When the temperature from the outside ambient light is reduced, the temperature inside the building is also lower, so the cost of air conditioning for the building will be reduced, the bar systems are effective. Shading but not blocking light, always ensure adequate light for the whole :

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