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Yeah so...

Well my xbox died on me for the first time during the 4 years I have had it, but UPS picked it up two days ago so hopefully it will be back with me in a week or two. All depends on how fast them Germans send me one back. (Yes all the European xbox's gets shipped to Germany)

Now on to other business. I've been trying to get a hold of a copy of UFC 2009: Undisputed as I was hooked on the demo, BUT its frikkin sold out all over my county here in Norway, none of the retailers have it for the 360, but have loads of copys for the PS3 which sadly does not help me. So I am sitting here, blogging, twittering in my sadness that I cannot get my hands on that game.

But to you guys who have played it, how is the character customization and the career modus? And I've read that most people shun upon you if you use your caf online, any spesific reasons for this?

And I've been wondering if I should start a videoblog. Not too sure about it though, but if you have some feedback or would like me to do it, please leave a comment!

Forgot to add, what kind of reveals do you think MS will bring us this year?