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Alan wake and the desire for S rank perfection.

 I thoroughly enjoyed Alan Wake, and after finishing it I knew that I absolutely had to get every thermos, sign and achievement point this game had in it. I don't quite know what it is about these collectibles in particular but I feel I need all of them, the points incentive is obvious enough but there's something more at play here. I suppose that knowing that the last few achievements are neither a massive commitment nor incredibly difficult is motivating, and the fact that they are within my grasp makes them that much more alluring. 

At this point though, it is obvious that with this many collectibles they could be tracked better than they are. Knowing that you have 6 more thermoses to find is good, but it's frustrating that you have no idea which chapter of the game they might be in. Nightmare mode might be a stumbling block but hopefully I can muddle through it  without  killing myself in the process. 
Are there games that drive you to that Vinny like 100 % anal completion? Are you enticed by the salacious desire to grab collectibles or do you despise them?

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