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Game of the Year 2013

Fuck, this year was rough. Not just with what has happened this year but with game releases too. I don't know if this means something good or bad but never has a year felt so consistent with the quality of video games. That plus the fact that so many of the best games this year are so far part in terms of concept that making a list of 2013's best games is going to be rough for anyone. But I've done it the last three years and whether Luigi likes it or not I'm going to make a list of the top ten best games of the year.

Honorable mentions go to Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Super Mario 3D World as those games may of been on the list had I been able to play them.

List items

  • Dead Rising 3 justified the purchase of a $600 console by itself. One game single handedly convinced me that an Xbox One was worth owning. I love the look and design of the characters. They don't look like supermodels, they look like normal people. I love the improvements to the combat system. Being able to spirit and build weapons anywhere makes the game much more playable and enjoyable. I love the boss encounters and how completely absurd they are. I love the closed off environments and how you actually have to plan your movements with an emphasis on indoor environments. I love the surprises and references to the last games. I just love this game thoroughly. The only thing I can find negative about Dead Rising 3 is that there isn't a freeroam mode so I can keep playing it. If the worst thing I can say about a game is that I cannot play as much as I want to then that has to be without a doubt my personal Game of the Year for 2013.

  • The reasons why I love Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons are the same reasons why I love Journey the year before. It is pure. It does everything it needs to and does what it does to near perfection. Everything in this game has a point whether it's showing you a gameplay mechanic or learning something new about the characters. Because of it's short length Brothers feels like a one piece. It doesn't have point where you feel like you should stop. There is no low valley you can rest in. It keeps you until you finish it. But the one thing is does that makes it one of the best games of the last 5 years is it proves to everyone that an artistic game can tell it's story not just through graphics or sound but that way you play it.

  • From what I've read and heard online about The Last of Us this year is I like what everyone else dislikes and vice versa. I think the strongest part of the game is not the story or graphics but the gameplay. I like the fact that Elle progresses from useless to useful without arbitrary fail safes (I'm looking at you Bioshock Infinite). I REALLY liked the multiplayer, it's the most surprising thing I've played all year. I know the story is good but we have had 'Escort Woman Through Dangerous Environment' for years now and The Last of Us doesn't do that any better than an Ico or Walking Dead but what it does better than almost every other game is that it makes you feel like the character you're playing and that is he reason why The Last of Us is as good as it is.

  • Payday 2 is the most fun I've had with friends all year. A cooperative game that actually requires cooperation and communication! Myself and the group of people I play this game with have become somewhat experts on the game. We know every mission back to front, every weapon's strengths and weaknesses, every talent tree and specs. We know the game back to front and with Overkill's commitment to adding new content regularly we have much more to look forward in the new year.

  • I was patient with DmC Devil May Cry. I was burned enough from Devil May Cry 4 to not be interested in this game. The new look of Dante didn't help either. But at the end of the year DmC Devil May Cry was at a price of was willing to pay and boy did it earn it's money and then some. Memorable characters, a challenging unique combat system, fantastic level designs and the best bosses of 2013 easily justify calling DmC Devil May Cry one of the best games of 2013.

  • I hate that I like this game so much. I really do. It has the roster and balancing of a fighting game with the construction and tactics of an RPG. This is basically MMO PVP on speed. Every minuet movement, every gold piece spend and stat point increase can mean the entire match. Such a tightly balanced metagame with such a large roster is almost unheard of. Plus all of the functionality outside the core game including live tournaments, item marketplace and guide systems is what truly makes Dota 2 the best competitive game on the PC today.

  • This game didn't come out in this region till this year so I'm considering it a 2013 game because I like it that much. I'm not really much of a novel guy. I like reading autobiographies and retelling of history than actual fiction but god damn did I read through every word of Persona 4 Arena's story mode. I soaked it up like a sponge. I wished how they presented this to you was better and more linear but what they DID present to you was a wonderfully constructed story. Labrys' story alone could of been it's own story it's that good. This amazing story just so happens to be inside one of the most unique and well constructed fighting games in the last decade so you're getting a great deal all-round.

  • I love unique stories. Let's make a multi-million (billion?) dollar game with one of the main protagonist is an old, balding bank robber who sees a therapist. I enjoyed the story in Grand Theft Auto V more than I probably should have. It's a more light hearted attempt at a serious story. It feels like an actual movie but conceptualized as a video game and it shows. The production valve is out of this world with a level of scope hasn't been seen since the islands of Just Cause 2. It's just a fantastic time and hey, I kinda liked the multiplayer.

  • I haven't played Animal Crossing for months and that why it's on this list. I just can't. My gardens probably a mess, my friends are going to be pissed that I left and Isabelle is pulling out her fur trying to run a town by herself. I've attached myself to so many characters that I don't want to see there disapproving adorable faces. What if I go back and Grizzly has left me? I haven't talked to Mable in forever! Is Moose still working out? It's these reasons why I can never go back and also why it's one of my favorites of 2013

  • Arma 3 is exactly what you wanted out of an Arma sequel. Better graphics, better performance, better editors and a much MUCH better campaign (even if it was added weeks and months after release). It blends the two opposites of first person shooters: realistic and enjoyable to blend it in such a way that both parties will leave satisfied when completing a hard fought battle unlike so many other shooters today.