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Game Of The Year 2017

This was quite possibly the worst year in history to start university. With all of the amazing games being released it was absolute torture not having the time or money to play everything I wanted. Between the Nintendo Switch release, VR finding its footing and what seems like a must-play game being released every month, 2017 will go down in history as one of the best years in gaming.

Despite the time and fund limits I still was able to play some absolutely amazing games this year even with missing some great stuff like Horizon Zero Dawn, Prey, Cuphead, Sonic Mania, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Resident Evil 7. Regardless, here are my top ten Games of the Year.

Also a side note, Nier: Automata is a bad game and if you want to debate your wrong opinion feel free to do so.

List items

  • For 97 hours Persona 5 made me feel like I was Japanese high school student fighting against corruption.

    I don't usually project myself onto other characters in video games but I just could not help myself with Persona 5. I actually felt at home when returning to the attic in La BLanc. I had a personal investment into my friends' problems not because I wanted to advance the story or gain gameplay benefits but because as a person I wanted to help them. Even if you excuse the extreme emotional attachment to the stories and characters Persona 5 also features the best turn-based combat I have ever seen, a presentation that literally made my jaw drop and improved on the previous games so much that it makes it almost impossible to go back to. It is probably my most anticipated game ever and it still blew me away.

    For about a week and a half in April 2017 I was not myself. I was Katio Tori, Tokyo high school student and Persona wielder. Nothing has ever made me feel that way. I have no choice but to give it my personal Game of the Year and perhaps Game of my Life.

  • There is not a single person on Earth that doesn't yearn for adventure. The longing to go out into a mysterious world, fight against an evil and discover its wonders. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is perhaps the closest thing to going on an adventure that I would likely ever experience. A vast, open world that rewards a player's natural curiosity. A combat system that is so simple to execute but is woven into complex systems like AI, weather and equipment that make every battle unique and exhilarating. A game that revolutionised open world gameplay design to the point of making other games dated and formulaic in one fell swoop. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a dream game I thought I would never play.

  • Super Mario Odyssey is the first time in a long time that a game actually made me verbally say "Oh wow". A game so good it makes me angry that games like it only come once every few years. Nintendo changes the formula in ways you would have never expected and it works so well you would think it been apart of Mario's design since the very first game. Absolutely perfect controls and level design with unmatched depth, Super Mario Odyssey is pure bliss to experience.

  • For clarification Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun was released very late in December 2016, well after I had made last year's list so I'm adding it here. I got this game as part of the Humble Monthly deal for November and I absolutely fell in love with it. It takes the best parts of XCOM with the best parts of stealth games and makes an unbelievably polished experience. Articulately designed levels with mechanics used to its full potential alongside the perfect amount of difficulty makes Shadow Tactics one of my favourite strategy games and favourite stealth games ever. That is saying alot.

  • Destiny 2 is exactly what I wanted Destiny 2 to be. Sure there could of been more of it but after playing Destiny 1 my expectations were in check. A much better levelling experience with much needed functionality like Nightfall/Raid matchmaking and travel improvements makes Destiny 2 a more sound and overall better game than Destiny 1. If I've had a tiring day Destiny 2 is the game I use to unwind.

  • Earlier this year Blizzard did a complete overhaul of Heroes of the Storm dubbing it "Heroes of the Storm 2.0". Lightning has once again struck for Blizzard as they created the perfect MOBA experience. All of the complex strategies and team fights of MOBAs without the 50 minute game time or a needlessly complicated item system. I have never played a game of Heroes where I knew I lost the game but still had to play another 20 minutes. To me Heroes of the Storm has everything that is great about MOBAs without the negative aspects that drives so many players away.

  • Trackmania 2 is one of my favourite racing games ever and Trackmania 2: Lagoon is my favourite environment for one of my favourite racing games ever. The others don't have that sense of insanity you want in a Trackmania course but with the additions of roller coaster parts and tweaking the handling of the cars it turns Trackmania 2 from precision driving to an out of control wild theme park ride. While it might seem like that it still has the responsive controls you want in a driving game so while you're driving around a sideways loop-de-loop going 200 km/h you never feel like you have lost control. That is impressive and it makes me love Trackmania 2 even more.

  • I don't think I have ever seen a game go from complete obscurity to one of the biggest games of the year so quickly. As someone who has played Arma and its survival mods for years, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds did something that other games like H1Z1 and DayZ could not which is accessibility. You did not have to learn the quirks of the Arma engine nor deal with unresponsive controls and lackluster systems of H1Z1. PUBG plays like a normal shooter but includes the details you need like weapon handling and environmental awareness for a survival game to work. It's this combination of accessibility and complexity that makes PUBG more than just a Battle Royale clone.

  • One of my friends would not shut up about the Yakuza series. I tried Yakuza 5 when it was on PS Plus but didn't really get into it, jumping into a franchise's 5th entry will do that. What I needed was a fresh starting point and Yakuza 0 was exactly that. A time-capsule of 1980's Japan featuring a unique and visceral-feeling combat system mixed together with that signature Japanese wackiness made my playthrough of Yakuza 0 all the more enjoyable.

  • I had never played the original Splatoon despite being one of six Wii U owners and now that I have played the sequel I wish I had. An awesome concept with a wonderful looking 'urban Tokyo' presentation, Splatoon 2 was an great introduction to the Nintendo Switch despite its strange quirks.