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My first Platinum Trophy: BF:BC2 - and why never again...

I am not much of a trophy/achievement hunter, but with BF:BC2 being so generous with its trophies I decided to go for my first platinum trophy with this game. A poor decision. Because that last one was a real bitch: Getting 20 Destruction 2.0 kills. I also finally got all awards now (platin stars with XM8 and tanks). Yeah, played to much of that game in a way too short amount of time. (btw after the SP and unlocking everything in the MP I lended the game out to a friend for half a year or so). My head and hand hurt. I overdosed basically. Now, that I can play the way I want I kinda do not want anymore. But there still are the 20 kills with the Huey remaining. Still quite a task considering it is broken on consoles. I certainly will not go for level 50. That's madness. Im 36 now.
Also all that Battlefield on consoles (1943 and BC1+2 are my main Battlefield experience, since I only looked briefly into BF2 and BF2142) kinda sold me on buying BF3 for the PC. I hate mouse&keyboard for shooters with a fiery passion and my PC is used for all kind of games but usually not (online) shooters. But these games bummed me out: 
I play to win a round. Not to rack up scores. One reason why it took me so long to get those trophies and awards is that I could not break my habits and could not stand by idle while others just went for kills. Playing this way is hard in so small games. The matchmaking is not very good. I usually do not like server browsers - I always feel that I am falling prey to packs of way better players from clans who just farm the average gamer for kills - but at least you get full games. 
Which usually leads to more fun in general, because more people go for the objective and the higher player count makes "Conquest" work in the first place. Conquest on consoles on games which often only have 16-20 players is no fun. You just run around without "meeting" the enemy.  Rush works much better for consoles I think , though winning by sitting next to a flag feels more "gamey" than blowing up stiuff (I liked Killzone 3s Objective mode. Nicely covering up that you just press a buttons.) 
 Also it is annoying that you have no control over the sqauads. Often there were 8 people in a team and I could not get into a squad, although it was not apparent that people "belonged" to each other. Either give us full control, or just force single players in squads. Along those lines: auto-balancing ... or lack there of. And our favourite: the all sniper team. See exibit A. Thank god for "2 snipers/team" servers (I played BC2 a bit on PC too, FYI.) Though I think that the shotgun recon is often the better "assault"-class. 


So all in all. These are overwhelming arguments for the PC version of BF3. I am not and PC-elitist. I hate that attitude. I would have prefered getting it for the console because I like games on my TV and sitting in my armchair. I guess I have to get better with mouse & keyboard. I'm getting raped so far, while on consoles I usually came out in the top quarter. 
PS: Too bad there is no Trophy data API for GiantBomb to use.