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Travels on the Creep Highway (3): Transitioning

In the last few days I have been chronicling my experience with jumping back into Starcraft II after a months long lapse in play, exclusively playing Zerg in order to learn the race I have had the most difficulty playing as. As I have played the Zerg I have learned a lot about how they function, when is the right time to build drones as opposed to make units, and the importance of expanding early and often.  
I have also learned that I really dislike playing as Zerg. No, this is not just because I have lost every match as Zerg since starting this experiment. I've actually had a fair amount fun learning the basics of low-level Zerg play as I get re-acclimated into the mechanics of SCII. It's just....not for me. I give any skillful Zerg player my deepest respects, but the style of play Zerg requires isn't one I feel like I could do at any high level, even if I did stick with it. I need to find a style I can be comfortable with so I'll stick with it and get better. This originated from my desire to relearn SCII so I could become better at it, not take the fun out of playing it.
So, since playing games is supposed to be fun (and I'm enjoying tracking my progress with these posts, both as a motivator and a thing to keep myself occupied in my remaining weeks off) rather than exclusively playing as Zerg I'm going to transition this into a general "Relearning Starcraft" blog.  
I'll be focusing on trying to find styles and strategies which I can take and make my own, trying to stay away from super-popular low-level builds (standard 4-Gate pushes, rushing MMM, etc) to keep things interesting. I'll still be open to taking any advice, tips, builds you want me to try, anything like that. One thing I've learned from playing (and watching copious amounts of Day[9] casts) is that going into a match with a general plan and goals will help me to focus on those things and more directly improve my game, so that's what I'll try to do with these posts: state my plan and goals per match, review my actions and learn how to improve and add variation.
Also, if anyone wants to do some sparring matches, my ID is DrStoked, 659 on the US server.
With that all said and out of the way, here's my plans for my upcoming games: 
I want to try and focus on a zealot and high templar heavy army with a splash of sentries. It's something I've never really tried, I can't even recall a time where I got High Templar in any real capacity. When I used to play Protoss I pretty much did one of two things: rush Void Rays or do a standard Stalker-Zealot-Colossus build without much variation. It was effective, to be sure, but I've seen some pretty interesting results using this mix of units that I'd like to try out. 
If anyone has any advice, ideas for other builds to try, or if you want to test your might against my still-floundering SCII play, post below. 
Keep it classy.