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I Don't Care About 3D (and other ramblings)

Reflecting on the recently passed E3 2010, I've come to realize -- I am not the audience that it appears video game companies are interested in anymore. I like my video games with some freshness, and I like them with substance. I like me some innovation. Now don't get me wrong, it appears that some of these developers are trying, most certainly. Bungie's latest entry into the Halo series appears to be an attempt to liven it up a little, Epic's latest Gears seems to be trying to deliver something that I've been yearning for since the first (Give me a four man squad and only two player co-op? Blasphemous). But all in all, there seemed to be very little in terms of relevant interesting video game news and announcements to me. 
Perhaps what truly got to me was the focus this year on motion controls, console add-ons and peripherals. It seems like innovation, and it seems like it's the beginning of steps in a new direction. The issue is that it seems like everything still needs a lot of work. As a 360 owner and a casual PC gamer, I am primarily interested in Microsoft's, EA's and Ubi's press conferences. I try not to get too worked up about the others because, well, it doesn't apply to me. Anything disappointing just makes me wipe my brow and go 'phew', and anything interesting makes me furrow it and go 'awww.' That said, I felt kind of let down and really nonchalant about this years E3 from everyone. 
There's no getting around it, the announcements of things like MGS: Rising and the new additions to Nintendo IP's are awesome, but so much time this year seemed to be focused on things such as Move and Kinect and 3D gaming. Perhaps I'm a poor gamer. Perhaps I'm cynical. Maybe I feel like some pieces are not being demonstrated to the masses as well as they should be, or that they are being misrepresented. Maybe I just don't like add-ons and want me some goddamn good video games. I can't say for sure. All I know is it seems like these companies are becoming less and less interested in satisfying the hardcore audience, who are virtually guaranteed to stay on board with video games until death, and focusing their efforts on attracting the casual consumer. There's nothing wrong with that really -- everyone's gotta turn a buck somehow. But damn, I remember some truly exceptional E3 experiences where I was glued to G4 and the internet for countless hours and days, talking, discussing, gossiping, frothing at the mouth over upcoming titles and possibilities, so excited for things to come. 
And this year? Meh. Nothing makes me more depressed as a gamer than feeling apathetic towards E3.