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My Problems with FFVII

We've all done this at least once, come up with a blog post late at night and feel like you have to write it. I was just starting to finish up FF4 on the DS earlier tonight, which I really love, and it reminded me of some of the problems I have with VII. VII was far from a perfect game, and it's actually really difficult to go back and play now. If you haven't played it recently and are one of those people who vehemently support it, I recommend you go back and try to play it. I'm fairly sure you'll have a hard time getting into it. Well, here it goes.
  1. Limit Breaks are broken: As much as people may defend them, the limit breaks are broken. The idea is sound, have something there to dissuade turtleing, but the execution is broken. They are way too powerful for their own good. Early in the game they work, but later, especially the hidden ones, do way too much damage too easily. The only way the system could be more broken is if you could attack party members to increase the gauge. In a remake, the battle system is the first thing that needs a major overhaul.
  2. The story is far too complicated for it's own good: With far too many "twists" and loose ends in the story, it is far too hard to follow or care about. Some of the major elements feel a little rushed or not well realized. The weapons, for instance, feel tacked on and too much. It feels like they where just thrown in to add length.
  3. It's far too long: FF7 is a LONG game, so much so it actually starts to drag near the end. With all the stories it throws at you, you actually start to feel overwhelmed. Add to that the tacked on elements, like the weapons and side-quests, and you end up investing way too much time in one game.
  4. Clashing tones: The game keeps such a serious tone throughout that the goofy moments, like the Barret date and cross-dressing cloud, feel like a major shock. It's just way too different and take you out of the experience.
  5. Unlockables break the game: Seriously, if you go out of your way to get things like the Knights of the Round summon and 4th stage LBs, you level up too quickly and the main game becomes a cake walk. The game becomes far too easy and monotonous if you go and unlock the cool things.
  6. Random battles are far too frequent: You can't walk 5 steps without hitting one. Getting anywhere in the game takes five times longer than it should. You can't even escape until you get the right materia. It really hurts the overall experience.
  7. It wears it's themes on its sleeve: Final Fantasy VII's main issue is that every 5 minutes you are "reminded" of the games main theme, protect the environment. I love the fact that it's about environmentalism, but like with a lot of things the game does, it goes to far. You are beaten over the head with it over and over again, so much so you cease to care.
Well, there, it's done. If anyone actually reads my blog, feel free to flame me. I know it'll happen. Also, I know it's not too well written, but it's 2AM right now.