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The First Hour: Dead Rising 2

Welcome to First Hour: Dead Rising 2 edition where I give my first impressions about Dead Rising 2 after having only played it for an hour ! 
The game starts off by asking you if you want to import your svae from Case Zero which is great since this lets you start off with a level 5 character and all your combo cards. The game has a similar title screen to the first game, with several zombies walking around in front of a casino. I hit start game and here we go again for some good old fashion zombie killin'. After some cutscenes and exposure about the characters, including an intro where I kill many undead with my motorcycle, I'munleashed into Fortune City with the simple task of finding some zombrex... wait what's this on the right side of the screen ?.... a time limit ?... What the fu (mauled by zombie). 
After playing for a half an hour, you come to realize that Dead Rising 2 is more Dead Rising. Not in the sense that Crackdown 2 was more of the same Crackdown. The game looks better and plays better. The game lets you inact all your sadistic fantasies on the poor zombies (shower heads are back) and everything you do has a time limit. If you liked the original Dead Rising than you'll love this. But if you didn't this game is very hard to recommend. Think of it this way, I died and had to start over after not even an hour. 
Another thing I got to briefly play is the competitive multiplayer that has you partaking in a game show where you have to kill zombies. It's good gory fun and has a great presentation that I won't spoil here (think ESPN and wrestling). I haven't tried the co op yet but the servers seem to hold up just fine so I expect to have a great experience. 
Keep your eyes peeled for my early review. Oh and what last thing, a Mega Man reference is thrown at you about 45 minutes into the story and you can put a Blanka mask onto the walking dead. 


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Edited By Yanngc33

Welcome to First Hour: Dead Rising 2 edition where I give my first impressions about Dead Rising 2 after having only played it for an hour ! 
The game starts off by asking you if you want to import your svae from Case Zero which is great since this lets you start off with a level 5 character and all your combo cards. The game has a similar title screen to the first game, with several zombies walking around in front of a casino. I hit start game and here we go again for some good old fashion zombie killin'. After some cutscenes and exposure about the characters, including an intro where I kill many undead with my motorcycle, I'munleashed into Fortune City with the simple task of finding some zombrex... wait what's this on the right side of the screen ?.... a time limit ?... What the fu (mauled by zombie). 
After playing for a half an hour, you come to realize that Dead Rising 2 is more Dead Rising. Not in the sense that Crackdown 2 was more of the same Crackdown. The game looks better and plays better. The game lets you inact all your sadistic fantasies on the poor zombies (shower heads are back) and everything you do has a time limit. If you liked the original Dead Rising than you'll love this. But if you didn't this game is very hard to recommend. Think of it this way, I died and had to start over after not even an hour. 
Another thing I got to briefly play is the competitive multiplayer that has you partaking in a game show where you have to kill zombies. It's good gory fun and has a great presentation that I won't spoil here (think ESPN and wrestling). I haven't tried the co op yet but the servers seem to hold up just fine so I expect to have a great experience. 
Keep your eyes peeled for my early review. Oh and what last thing, a Mega Man reference is thrown at you about 45 minutes into the story and you can put a Blanka mask onto the walking dead. 
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Edited By mfpantst

w00t.  Glad it falls into the category of 'if you liked the 1st you'll like this and if you didn't you still won't'  
Was worried this game would get rid of the 'survivor asthetic!  Also, you can move while aiming ranged weapons.  That's a plus and should win some people over!

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Edited By MeierTheRed

Its funny cause i had a blast playing Dead Rising, i probably played through it 4-5 times. But here i am around 2 hours into DR2 or something like that. And i'm not really enjoying it that much, i don't quite know what i expected from it, i knew it wouldn't bring anything revolutionary to the table but still. 
The combo cards are pretty cool, and so are the 3 save slots, but yeah i don't know what I'm doing wrong, i just can't help but feel disappointed.

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Edited By Fantomex100

Do you walk faster in this one cause that annoyed me alot in the previous 

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Edited By Yanngc33
you can't sprint but you do upgrade your speed making you run faster. I'm at level 16 and Chuck moves around alot faster than in Case Zero.
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Edited By sins_of_mosin

All I can think of is how much better the game could be.