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#1  Edited By YDH

@avyshue: Yes, I've seen the images of the remake and all. I'll first get Full Throttle and Another world again and then look into that. I think I'll replay the original one first though =), fancier imo ^^.

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#2  Edited By YDH


@avyshue said:

@ydh: Sorry if you've already thought of this, since it's by the same people that made another world (and is also a fairly famous game), but are you thinking of Flashback?

@raven10 said:

@ydh:You have to be referring to Flashback.

@fabd90: While it has been a very long time since I played them, could you be talking about one of the Myth games by Bungie? I can't recall specific colors but there were human and demon factions and the game was isometric and was referred to as a real time tactics game because you didn't build bases just took your units and marched towards the enemy.

@axanetek:Bionic Commando Rearmed?

Oooooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah o__o infinite thanks to youuuuuu. I found it again at some point in the past and then forgot everything about it... again. The same people did both games and I didn't find that in YEARS?! Plus I knew it was some sort of famous but I didn't find it with the elements I had?! Bahahah my researchs have been pretty bad then ^^.
But here it is, solved, that's my first freaking game with Prince of Persia and first Zelda! So glaaaaad and definitely gonna replay it, thannnnnnk you so much T__T.... can't describe how relieved I am, and less frustrated X).

Have a nice day/week/life =D!

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#3  Edited By YDH


Soooo, it drives me crazy not to find that game and maybe someone could help me around here. I don't know if it has been said already since I haven't read the 60+ pages, so forgive me if it's a well known one. Also forgive me if my memories are a bit too blurry, I was young at the time ^^".

It was kind of my "first" game. I think it was on PC, maybe on DOS but not sure it wasn't "later" on windows 3.5 or something (early 90's definitely). You were playing a side view 2d pixelated character, a bit like Prince of Persia but in a futuristic context. You have a gun and navigate at first in a "green" environment, maybe a jungle-ish thing. There, as well as during most of the game, you've "laser gates" to disable with ennemies walking around the platforms/areas and sorts of machines you've to access to in order to progress I guess. I remember that, through the game, you evolve toward more "building like" environment till you blow up a giant "computer" at some point (the end? not sure). It's a bit puzzly to open gates or avoid defense systems and/or guards with only a small laser gun or something alike. As I said, side view, platforms, going up, down and usually from left to right. Changing screen when you reach the edge (I think). Kind of if Another World fused with Pitfall and Prince of Persia? I think the main character (male) had a sort of jacket? You hade some sort of cameras/landmines lying around too? At first "trapped" in vegetation and then inside a futuristic city? Not sure =/. The game graphics were pretty to my eye at the time, if I remember well. The overall quality was good, game quite hard, designed for adult public interested in sci-fi I guess. Definitely got out around late 80's and first half of 90's as it was the first game I experienced on a PC along with Prince of Persia (maybe after it, couldn't tell).

Errrr I think that's all I have... so frustrating I've been looking for years and this night for 3 hours ^^". Help please? ^^"

MANY thanks in advance if you can find it!