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Ryan is irreplaceable, but the site must go on.

I'm writing this just to make sense of it all. This is the first time that a strangers death has affected me so personally, and most of it is because the fruits of his career has been such an integral part of my favorite pass-time. I dare asking questions that may be considered too soon by some, but how do we replace Ryan Davis? What of the site now that he is gone? The short answer is that we cannot replace him. He was level-headed good natured moderator of all the media content that kept things civil and professional. But now that he is gone who can replace him? Can he even be replaced? The site will not be the same without him, and I think there will be definitely something missing that gives the Bomb its personality. I dread that this might actually make the site suffer. I want the site to succeed in light of this. I have followed and enjoyed all his fellow co-workers content just as much for the last decade, and would not want to have this burden placed upon them. I think this would require someone to fulfill his legacy. But how could someone fill Ryan's shoes? If they hire just anyone, they will surely be a pariah and their existence will just be a reminder of Ryan's passing, that this new person is not Ryan. We will need someone we respect just as much, and that we know also respects Ryan's legacy, but who is also respectful of the shoes they are filling... that they are doing a service in memory to his name, but also need the qualifications to professionally fill the hole Ryan left behind.

I like to think that the legal battle's Jeff had gone through to leading him to where he is today was a classroom for the true test of what choices he has to make now. The tweet he gave earlier today, "I will eventually have something to say about all this, but today is not the day", and then go on to say the podcast will continue, shows his fortitude, professionalism, and experience in dealing with such ominous matters. The site will go on. And he will make it work. This is a change we will all have to get used to, and I don't think there is a better community of followers to back them up.

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