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What the hell gives, GOG?

Dear GOG users,

We have recently had to give serious thought to whether we could really keep the way it is. We've debated on it for quite some time and, unfortunately, we've decided that simply cannot remain in its current form.

We're very grateful for all support we've received from all of you in the past two years. Working on was a great adventure for all of us and an unforgettable journey to the past, through the long and wonderful history of PC gaming.

This doesn't mean the idea behind is gone forever. We're closing down the service and putting this era behind us as new challenges await.

On a technical note, this week we'll put in place a solution to allow everyone to re-download their games. Stay tuned to this page and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

All the best, Team

Some of you may have seen the sudden closure of, including that letter on the front page. At the time, it seemed like a business move. They even mentioned how hard it was to stay DRM free, suggesting that was the reason for the closure.

That is, of course, until you dig deeper.

In the days leading up to the closure, they'd gotten Serious Sam one and two, as well as the first three Space Quest and King's Quest games, as well as King's Quest VII and VIII. Why would companies that can actually sell games on other services continue to work with them were it not for the service actually working? This is especially true with Activision, who would clearly be the most prickly when it comes to piracy, what with being as obscenely huge as they are and all. The community was large, and there were plenty of games being put on their catalog, with updates coming every other week. As one could imagine, people were already suspicious that this was a publicity stunt.

Then this came onto the gogcom Youtube channel

I'm not sure what CD Projekt are playing at here. If they were closed, why would they put up what seems like a needlessly self-congratulatory video (and they put it up after closing, no question – the date for the video is 9/21, the same day as I'm writing this. The original closure was on the 19). If they were going to do something amazingly new with the service, why not just go the countdown route to build hype? This whole thing is absolutely asinine, and there's no reason for CD Projekt to pull the plug on what is, by all accounts, a successful program under the rug like this. The consumers deserve more.

All I know is that if CDP's going to have to work incredibly hard to get me back as a customer. This is the worst way to treat any community.