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In-depth potential Dead Space movie discussion.

Daniel: "Oh look mommy, it's the transformers/power rangers!"

Me: this one is going for a more action orientated route i'll bet

Daniel: I hope not 
that's what happens every goddam time 

Me: it'll definitely be atmospheric, though like they keep mentioning this is all about Isaac making his retaliation
Because this time...IT'S PERSONAL!
Isaac just took it...TO THE NEXT LEVEL!

Daniel: psh...

Me: He's holding back...NOTHING!
He's doing it all....FOR FREEDOM!

Daniel: for freedom?
which reminds me wasn't his goal to get the fuck out of their presence in DS1?
"They let him kill them once, so now it's PERSONAL!!!.... cause you know.... people hate succeeding."
don't tell me it's because of that nichole chick

Me: "He killed them... but not BEFORE they killed his girlfriend... so now, he'll kill them AGAIN!!! Because it's PERSONAL!!"
Now with the aid of his trusty talking squirrel sidekick...Isaac will make sure they pay...WITH BLOOD!

Daniel: "He got the hell out of there safely once... but now he's going back in, because it's PERSONAL!!!"
 they should've just said that he was paid to do it

Me: Isaac Clarke, a merc without a country!
Getting paid for what he does best...KICKING NECROMOPRH ASS!

Daniel: He did it once to survive, but now it's FINANCIAL!!!! "Isaac, we need your services, you have the most experience in-","Get bent","We'll reward you","In money? Cause I like money, like, a lot". Don't miss it, Isaac Clarke *BOOM!!* goes financial.

Me: Financially....PERSONAL!
God we should write our own dead space movie
our trailer alone will warrant billions over the summer season

Daniel: Some people kill Necromorphs to survive... others, do it for MONEY!! "Listen to me, I'm receiving a bonus for this 

This is supposed to be my last job but once my family were got Personally PERSONAL!

Daniel: With every breath in my body, I promise you, PROMISE YOU, that I'll bring her back in your arm!.. 

Me: don't EDIT IT!
he lost the other during the 'war'
his best friend and teammate betrayed him and cut it off

Daniel: yes yes 
then it is revealed that his friend is actually his TWIN BROTHER!!
"I have to kill him, it's *looks at camera* PERSONAL!*

Me: no....his best friend is actually HIM! He created a whole new personality to adhere to him cutting off his own arm!
we'll find this out when Isaac looks in the mirror and see's his best friend staring back at him

Daniel: "No, Isaac listen... Chuck, he's... he's your twin brother!! *hangs up*"

yes yes 

Me: that'll be saved for the prequel movie

Daniel: "How can I beat the enemy... when it's MYSELF!!! this... THIS IS PERSONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL"

a little piece of heaven
love that song 

Me: that's the DEAD SPACE: Personal Revelations! theme song
yes, it'll also have a musical number

Daniel: how about
A Little Piece of Dead Space
Must've stabbed the necromorph 50 fucking times, I can't believe it 

Me: remixed for the credits with some rap solo's

Daniel: can't go wrong there
it's all coming together quite nicely

Me: should also get some toys ready, too
will help the marketing fund all the more

Daniel: imagine this 
the Clarkemobile

Me: As long as it's personal

Daniel: has lazers on the sides

Me: some snakes going through skulls on the hod
license plate 'PRSNL'

Daniel: or 
Underwater Isaac
with fins and gills on the suit

Me: Oh yes.
and of course have these different suits available to kids of all sizes

Daniel: yes yes 
obviously goes without saying
get this medievel isaac clarke
huh? huh? pretty nifty

Me: his ancestoral ancestors who must travel through time to warn him of the impending doom of...SPACE CANCER!

Daniel: it's a race against time

Me: to save himself, his daughter....and the WORLD! HIS WORLD, HIS PERSONAL FUCKING WORLD!
Rated PG for Personal Guidance