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PS3 Games I've played Since I got one 3 weeks ago

I've had a 360 since they came out, and a Wii for quite awhile.  I finally shelled out the money for the PS3 after wanting one for a long time now that there are so many awesome games for it that I couldn't stand it any longer.  Here's what I've played after having it for just around 3 weeks.  They're in the order I've played them.  Let me know of any further suggestions! 
Just thought I would also mention the games on my list to play for now: 
Valkeria Chronicles, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls, MGS4, Little Big Planet, and for some stupid reason Haze looks oddly interresting despite its crap reviews (and a LOT more MAG along the way xD)

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  • I played this first, because it is what it is and I wanted to play it as well as Among Thieves. I'm getting a new TV pretty soon though so I'm waiting to play that when I get the new tv because of its awesome visuals.

  • This is kind of always been that one game that I've most wished there was an equal to on the 360 when that was all I had. Not to worry my pretty little head anymore =)

  • In the words of Janice, "Oh... My... God..." (sorry for anyone who didn't get that). This game was amazing. Totally didn't see it coming either. Picked it up since I'd heard good things but hadn't paid that much attention since I didn't think I would own a PS3. If you haven't played it, do.

  • Bought it right when it came out even though I usually try and refrain from paying the full $60 for any game and just work a few months behind. I watched the MAG Thing videos and by half way though #2 I just couldn't help myself. I needed a single go-to multiplayer game and just figured I'd start with the new hotness and I'm definitely not disappointed at all.

  • Haven't finished it yet, dunno if I will. What I've played I can definitely see why people loved it. It just doesn't feel like it has aged well at all...