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Published a sweet mod for XCOM 2, mere hours before the DLC launches

After creating custom classes for myself, I moved on to the next project of creating two custom SPARK-classes. These have turned out not-broken enough to publish, so I did.

Ever since their first introduction SPARK's have been criticized. They can't bring any items, can't upgrade their weapons with weapon mods, can't install PCS's, can't take cover so they get hit all the time and not all their abilities are fantastic. Oh, also, their aim sucks. People always considered it less efficient to bring a SPARK along.

With this mod, I intended to not just change that perception, but flip it. I want you to feel like a fool if you don't bring one alone. Both these SPARK's have an intended role. One is an assaulter and tank, the other a sniper and support. They should be disgustingly good at their intended roles so they are actually preferred over regular soldiers. Which is what I want because these things are so expensive at 2 Elerium Cores that you can only make a limited amount of them, contrary to soldiers that are just endless.

On the flip side, they still have disadvantages over regular soldiers. Less item carrying capacity for one. Also cannot pick both perks like you can in the DLC that releases tomorrow for regular soldiers. As a result, they should be adequately balanced.

If you're ever interested, you can get it here.