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I would like some clarity with that, please!

So I'm hearing impaired so all of my purchases have to be made with this in mind.  When it comes to phones the number one thing I have to keep in mind is clarity of voice from the receiver.  I'm open to iPhone, Android or even a Windows 7 Phone (yes, I know they aren't out yet.) but I have little experience with any of these.  I know the Android has a number of different models but sites such as Ars Technica claim that the new Android phone Nexus One isn't as good as previous models when it comes to clarity.  My question: what phone have you used that has the best clarity?



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Edited By Zombieheadbutt

So I'm hearing impaired so all of my purchases have to be made with this in mind.  When it comes to phones the number one thing I have to keep in mind is clarity of voice from the receiver.  I'm open to iPhone, Android or even a Windows 7 Phone (yes, I know they aren't out yet.) but I have little experience with any of these.  I know the Android has a number of different models but sites such as Ars Technica claim that the new Android phone Nexus One isn't as good as previous models when it comes to clarity.  My question: what phone have you used that has the best clarity?

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Edited By Bones8677

All cell phones sound like crap, either it's on my end, or on their end. But I'm constantly going, "what? uh...speak up! Enunciate, dammit!"