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    Xbox 360

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    The Xbox 360 is the second game console produced by Microsoft Corporation and is the successor to the original Xbox.

    The Red Ring of Death and the Xbox 360: Important Questions

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    #1  Edited By Famov

    That one cannot make conversation about the Xbox 360 without mentioning the Red Ring of Death is sign of a sad state of affairs indeed.


    But I am not here to make trouble. I am here to purchase (or at least discuss the possible purchase of) the Xbox 360. Every time the holiday season rolls around I take a look at the current gaming consoles and I try to measure up what is and is not worth getting. I rolled my eyes at the 360 in ‘05 when it had little to nothing worth owning, bought a Wii in ’06, and walked away disappointed that a superb game catalog and online service had the baggage of RRoD in ’07 and ’08. But now it is holiday season ’09, and there is an extremely appealing Modern Warfare 2 Limited Edition Xbox on the market and I want one. It even comes with two controllers in an age where local multiplayer is viciously underrated! How could I pass it up, with the 360 library looking better every day, and having looked good for quite a long time?

    I can tell you how. If I have any indication that these brand new Xbox 360s, after nearly four years, are still suffering from the same hardware failures then I will walk away from it this year as well. And while I have endeavored (trust me, I have) to answer this question myself, I am still in need of guidance from those more knowledgeable than I. To this end, I have these questions:

    1. Falcon chip? Jasper chip? Which one is better, and in what models can I find these? And more importantly, is the best one in the Modern Warfare 2 limited edition and just how good is that particular chip to begin with?

    2. Is it true that newer models of the Xbox 360 have better hardware reliability? Personal anecdotes would mean a lot, particularly if you have purchased a newer model (with the newer chips) and have still had that die from the same hardware malfunction.

    3. The most important question of all, what exactly happens when you send your 360 in for repairs? I would want as much of my original console sent back to me as possible, especially if I am purchasing the aforementioned limited edition one. Though it is possible that if I did have a 360 break I would be too angry and indignant to send it in, and I would simply move on.

    The greatest thing about the invention of the internet (my heartfelt thanks, Mr. Gore) is that finding useful information for free has never been easier. However, finding information on the specifics of gaming consoles, given the environment that we videogame enthusiasts create for ourselves, is often quite difficult. Hyperbole and exaggeration can be found everywhere, and it is frustrating that something like RRoD cannot be brought up without gaming factions raising their respective banners and letting out the cry for battle. All I want to know is if RRoD is a legitimate enough concern for me given that I will likely drop the console even after one “general hardware failure”. My time at giantbomb has convinced me that this is the group of people I need to give me sincere answers. 
    Edit: grammar and format issues    

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    #2  Edited By natetodamax


    1. Not sure what you mean here
    2. I think the newer models will break down less, if not at all
    3. If you 360 breaks, you call up Microsoft and you send it to them in a box. Within 2-3 weeks you get it back, free of charge, along with a 1 month gold subscription
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    #3  Edited By Karmum
    @natetodamax said:
    1. Not sure what you mean here
    2. I think the newer models will break down less, if not at all
    3. If you 360 breaks, you call up Microsoft and you send it to them in a box. Within 2-3 weeks you get it back, free of charge, along with a 1 month gold subscription
    The third one being until July of next year. If I'm correct, the free three year warranty was instituted back in July of 07. The RROD isn't as prominent as it used to be, but Xbox 360s are still breaking down. I still have a few friends that have their 360s getting the three lights, and I think a few users here recently have had their Xbox's get the three red rings.
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    #4  Edited By natetodamax
    @Karmum: I forgot about the warranty stuff. Yeah, you need one of those.
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    #5  Edited By Baillie
    @Karmum said:
    " @natetodamax said:
    1. Not sure what you mean here
    2. I think the newer models will break down less, if not at all
    3. If you 360 breaks, you call up Microsoft and you send it to them in a box. Within 2-3 weeks you get it back, free of charge, along with a 1 month gold subscription
    The third one being until July of next year. If I'm correct, the free three year warranty was instituted back in July of 07. The RROD isn't as prominent as it used to be, but Xbox 360s are still breaking down. I still have a few friends that have their 360s getting the three lights, and I think a few users here recently have had their Xbox's get the three red rings. "
    Er, I'm pretty sure it's 3 years from when you bought your xbox 360, not the date it was instituted... right?
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    #6  Edited By Famov

    For the first question, I am asking what 'chip' it is I want in my 360, and what I can do to find out which chip is in the Modern Warfare 2 bundle.
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    #7  Edited By Karmum
    The warranty is on all Xbox's for free until July of 2010. He wouldn't need a warranty until afterward (after a subsequently RROD, of course) Basically: your chances of getting having a new Xbox getting the red rings is very unlikely. My Xbox is from Feb. of 2007, and only got the three red lights once, back in November of 2008. It was fixed, and has nearly been a year without getting it. Knock on wood, albeit, the E74 is the new hot thing. I had like three E74 errors within a month, and no idea how my 360 survived them all. I have been clean of them since January.
    Knock on wood again.
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    #8  Edited By tedbear

    RROD is old news - new consoles dont break like the launch ones did. Sadly some consoles still break down, just as often as the wii and PS3 now though.
    Blame CHINA ...

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    #9  Edited By Karmum
    @Baillie said:

    " @Karmum said:

    " @natetodamax said:
    1. Not sure what you mean here
    2. I think the newer models will break down less, if not at all
    3. If you 360 breaks, you call up Microsoft and you send it to them in a box. Within 2-3 weeks you get it back, free of charge, along with a 1 month gold subscription
    The third one being until July of next year. If I'm correct, the free three year warranty was instituted back in July of 07. The RROD isn't as prominent as it used to be, but Xbox 360s are still breaking down. I still have a few friends that have their 360s getting the three lights, and I think a few users here recently have had their Xbox's get the three red rings. "
    Er, I'm pretty sure it's 3 years from when you bought your xbox 360, not the date it was instituted... right? "
    Yes, that is true. It is three years from purchase. Since that is the case, I'd be screwed soon: bought mine in Feb of 2007.
    Quote from Peter Moore from the link:

     If a customer has an issue indicated by the three flashing red lights, Microsoft will repair the console free of charge -- including shipping -- for three years from the console’s purchase date.

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    #10  Edited By Drank_Stank
    @Baillie said:
    " @Karmum said:
    " @natetodamax said:
    1. Not sure what you mean here
    2. I think the newer models will break down less, if not at all
    3. If you 360 breaks, you call up Microsoft and you send it to them in a box. Within 2-3 weeks you get it back, free of charge, along with a 1 month gold subscription
    The third one being until July of next year. If I'm correct, the free three year warranty was instituted back in July of 07. The RROD isn't as prominent as it used to be, but Xbox 360s are still breaking down. I still have a few friends that have their 360s getting the three lights, and I think a few users here recently have had their Xbox's get the three red rings. "
    Er, I'm pretty sure it's 3 years from when you bought your xbox 360, not the date it was instituted... right? "
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    #11  Edited By LiquidSwords

    Buy a PS3 (OH MAN I JUSST TROLLED U GUIS!!!111). But seriously though, Try the towel trick (youtube). A friend tried it and it worked.
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    #12  Edited By masternater27

    as somebody who works at a retailer, I've seen a dramatic decline in red ringed 360's over the past six months.  And if they do come in, it's people that have had them for around 2 years.  We used to do like 10-15 per shift.  Now it's like once or twice a week.

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    #13  Edited By fynne

    The reliability is a lot better than it used to be, although nobody knows how much since Microsoft isn't releasing those numbers.  The other thing I've heard of is that if the disk is spinning in a 360 you'd better not bump it or you'll end up with a scratched disk.  You MUST power it off (pulling the plug doesn't count) before moving the 360.

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    #14  Edited By iam3green

    1. jasper chip is better then falcon. jasper chip is just the name of the motherboard that mcirosoft used. falcon chip is old news. the jasper is the newest of the 360 i think that all u can find now are jasper. it all depends on if the store sold the falcon ones. u can tell by falcon having 175watt power brick and 150watt power brick. 
    2. yes, it is true that newer 360 are more reliable then older ones. it's the jasper that are the more reliable one.  back in 06 when i first got a 360, it lasted me 4, 5 months. i got a new 360 it lasted me a year. after repair no problems yet. 
    3. it's easy, u get the rrod, u call up microsoft, microsoft sends u a box/ u get a box and print the label, u send it in wait about 2-4 weeks u get it back. u get it working ur a happy person that it works now.

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    #15  Edited By ptc

    iam3green gave you some great answers.  I'll add my 2 cents to #3: 
    It's really easy - I had an 06 console that went RROD after ~26 months.  The return process was easy and fast.  No cost to me.  But I did go out and buy a newer Arcade Unit (and made sure I got a Jasper w/ help from a great OXM article) because my old one didn't have HDMI, and I wanted that.  Got my original unit back in < 2 wks, now I lend it out to friends who don't own a game console. 
    Wait no longer friend.  Buy the 360 and don't look back...

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