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Giant Bomb News


The Heavy Rain Video That May Blow Your Mind

Lauren Winter, ring any bells?

I posted this on my (WARNING: SHAMELESS PROMOTION) Twitter account the other day--which just so happens to link to my profile on this here site (try it yourself!)--but if you didn't happen to see it either of those places, and you played through Heavy Rain, well, just watch it. Then tell me to what extent your mind has exploded.

Totally crazy, right? Though, it's certainly a bit less crazy when you realize that the gentleman in the video, Sam Douglas, was in fact cast in the role of Scott Shelby and the character was intentionally modeled after his likeness. So this wasn't just homage or, more bluntly, a shameless rip-off of a guy who already made for a pretty believable onscreen gumshoe. Some intrepid Giant Bomb users have since sent in other somewhat disturbing videos. If you want to see real-life Ethan Mars and Madison Paige, click on those links. And thanks to Beforet for sending this in.
When it comes to Heavy Rain-related videos on Youtube, however, you can't beat this one. The image of that wedge-headed 3D Morgan Freeman has been living behind my eyelids ever since I saw this. Gross.


Thoughts? The failed refrigerator door opening kills me every time.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+