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Dude, where's my truck? (The Blog Initiative #1)

Recently while playing Dead Island I happened to notice something that was fairly frustrating and that was the amount of time it took me to get from where I was to the objective. Open world games usually have some form of transport but the problem is that you can't just always have a truck or a flaming horse (who should really see a vet about him being on fire, that can't be good for him) right besides but that doesn't take away from the fact of how dull it can be. In games like World of Warcraft or the before mentioned Dead Island I sometimes after completing an objective look at my map to where I need to go next and just say fuck it and close the game. I wont take a very big break, maybe 5 or 10 minutes but the time it takes to travel without any transport is draining!

That is something Fallout 3 did fairly well by letting you fast travel from any point in the game to a location you have already visited but than it sometimes feels like you are missing out on seeing interesting parts of the world and may miss various side quests. There must be some entertaining way to travel in games, right? Well, both Infamous and Prototype did fairly well with this be allowing you to move very quickly and the movement was fluid and fun to use. I understand that something like that can't make much sense in some games, after all both games I mentioned have to do with super humans in which in a game like Dead Island you are not (besides being immune to zombies). Maybe something as simple as having lots of vehicles accessible will do the job? In a lot of open world games like Grand Theft Auto and Mafia 2 travelling isn't so boring as it is in other games.

Are there any other games you guys think do travelling fairly well or do you have any ideas on how the games I mentioned, and others, can do better in this area? Leave your comments below and tell me what you think!

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