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  • Simply put, Bioshock Infinite was my game of 2013. I remembered when the game was first announced, many people were doubting rather the game would be any good. Turns out it was great: great storyline, gameplay, and graphics make this game one to remember for years to come.

  • Coming in a very close second is arguably the best game in the Assassin's Creed series so far. After the disappointing third game in the series, Ubisoft made a follow up game that is right on par or possibly better than Assassin's Creed 2: Brotherhood. Unlike the third game, this version featured a protagonist that was interesting and fun to play as. And the overall storyline was a lot better than the boring one from the third game. The gameplay was also a lot more fun and assessable, something that took a step back in the third game with its poorly designed missions.

  • The remake of the original Tomb Raider for the PSX is the better game, since it finally got me interested in the Tomb Raider series. Instead of Lara fighting silly animals and raiding boring tombs, she fights crazy cult soldiers and gods. The gameplay is a lot more fun and the character is a lot more likable, with a more believable appearance to say the least.

  • Though I hated the fact Michael Ironside didn't do the voice of Sam Fisher, it still didn't stop me from liking this game a lot. Mainly, because the game gives you the best of both worlds. Prefer the classic sneaking of the old Splinter Cell? It's in the game. Rather have the more action Borne Identity type gameplay of Conviction? It's also in the game. There's even gameplay modes that focuses on both elements of gameplay. Story is not as strong as some of the classic games, but the storyline was never Splinter Cell's strong suit.

  • There were many overhyped Indie games that came out this year (Gone Home, I'm looking at you). However, this game truly deserves the praise it gets. It's a very pretty looking and fun playing game with a touching storyline that will leave an impression once you finished it.

  • While many people were complaining that it was more of the same, I personally liked the the gameplay of the recent Batman series and Origins gave me the best version of it. The fighting system is at its best in this version of the game. The storyline was better than Arkham City's. In fact, overall, I liked this game better than Arkham City.

  • As a fan of the Lego series, I like how the games seem to be getting better every time. Marvel Supers Heroes is a great entry into the series with fun gameplay that will leave you busy for hours. I personally think Lego Batman 2 was better overall, but maybe because I like more DC characters over Marvel ones.

  • After the universally panned COJ: The Cartel, it seemed like this series was finished. Along comes a low budget game in the series that's arguably the best one yet. Despite it being shorter than a full budget game, it featured great gameplay, a fun storyline, and great cell shaded graphics. Play it when you get the chance, you won't regret it.

  • This is mainly for the next-gen version of the game. While the NBA 2K series is great on its own merits, the developers at 2K Sports decided to do a complete overhaul and create a version for the next-gen consoles. The result is the realist looking and playing sports game to come out so far, and for that reason alone it makes the list.

  • It seems like the Rayman series is finally getting the respect it deserves and Legends is proof of why that is. This game improves upon everything that made Origins a great game. Not to mention the game even has a lost levels version of Origins you can unlock and play during the main game. If you love Platformers, there is no reason to pass on a Rayman game. Period.


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Dude Arkham Origins really isn't the best version of those games, it is by far the worst of the series, the Christmas setting is very cool and the story allows the writers to bring in uber-cool looking enemies but overall it's a poor Batman game, it doesn't even run properly....

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Edited By DarthOrange

I think this is the first time I see Lego Marvel on someones list. I really wanted to get it but just haven't had time yet. As someone who prefers Marvel I am sure I will love it.