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I saw this news and was as shocked as everyone especially since I'm close in age to him. Anime New Network is like the Gamespot or IGN of anime websites. It and AnimeonDVD were basically the two sites that started it all for anime content on the web and Zac was there. That and he was a writer for Anime Insider, dude almost felt like a Jeff Gerstmann or Andy Mcnamara, but for anime. If you've been following anime in some way for the past 20 years you've noticed this guys influence. Not to mention the ANNcast has been around for 10+ years and podcasting 10 years ago wasn't really a thing like it is now.

I wasn't really a fan of his at the start, but I felt like he changed and grew a lot over the years, which I thought was great, and I really appreciated his takes on things especially as time went on. Really sad news, RIP Zac.

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#2  Edited By madpierrot

I pretty much loved Royal throughout. Its quickly become an all time favorite for me. I'm kinda the opposite of most people here. I bet original Persona 5 new game plus not too long ago, but with everything going on and the extra free time I decided to pick up Royal and just plowed through it, loving the entire thing. All I keep thinking about now is how I want to start up a new game plus run of Royal.

The only thing about Royal that I wasn't crazy about was the pacing of the third semester. Starting off with having visit each friend, one a day, having to go back into the palace... 3/4 times?, then just waiting for like two weeks where basically all there is to do is get tier 3s for your teammates and go to the jazz club. I felt they could of fleshed it out a bit more, but still loved it.

I loved more great music, the changes to momentos, the new confidants, the changes to the battle system, more free time. Overall it was such a great package.

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Dave and Vinny, anytime they were together it was just pure golf. I really miss Dave being around the site.

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Man people in the Giantbomb community sure do love to comment on how little of the content they watch now. It's weird, so many people try to do it this is, what I guess is, respectful way, but it just comes off as snooty and turning their noses up, "ohhhh I use to watch so much content, but well, not anymore, I've outgrown it, it's just not as good anymore". The number of people that crawl out to make sure they let everyone know how they don't watch much anymore is weird.

For me, it's over 50%, but would be higher if not for the fact that just so much content is being put up onto the site. I do have more time now, but even with that it's hard to keep up with so much of it. I would love to see more multi person streams, even if it meant less overall.

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#5  Edited By madpierrot

After finishing listening to the Day 4 podcast I've just come to realize that there will be no "Best moment or sequence" and no "Hottest Mess" category. This makes me really sad. Only having 4 categories and the top 10 as the real meat of the podcasts is kind of a let down, especially when you consider virtually no video content with the entire team together.

But wow, "Best moment or sequence" has been around since basically the beginning of the GotY discussions and always offers some of the best discussion. I mean remember Vinny getting super emotional last year when describing Florence during the category? Stuff like this is what really makes GotY so special and so much of that is missing. Also the fact that the community starts debating "Hottest Mess" months before the GotY podcasts even starts I think helps to drive home the feelings the community has to some of this stuff. The GotY stuff has always been an amazing time capsule for their respective years. This might be the first one where going back it wont't feel that way.

I hope I'm wrong with my assumption, but it seems like tomorrow is just going to be the Top 10 debate and nothing else.

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Saints Row The Third

It's still the only game I've ever 100%. Got every single achievement, even for all the DLCs and still to this day will throw it back on and just mess around in. I think Ryan said this and I agree. It's the smartest dumb game ever. I got more pure joy out of that game then any other game ever probably.

Other games I need to mention that would be my 2 - 5 on my list. Dark Souls, Mass Effect 2, Darkest Dungeon, Persona 4 Golden (if we count that).

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Back again for my 3rd year and as excited as ever. The last two years have been a blast and I can't wait to do it again.


Extra Life

I'll be starting 7:00AM Saturday November 2nd JST. So going by east coast time USA that's 6:00PM Friday November 1st.

Don't have a specific plan yet. Probably going to pull out my Extra Life staples of Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Darkest Dungeon, PUBG and Dota. Maybe will try to do some special runs with them. Have some other games installed so I'll basically just see what looks good.

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I am so excited for this. Darkest Dungeon is my favorite game of the last 3, 4 years. Put hundreds of hours into it. Beat it multiple times and still playing it to this day.

Just this early look makes it seem like exactly what I want. Building and improving on what's there will not completely changing it up.

I guess I just hope they don't get too... cutesy with balancing. They certainly made cool and interesting changes as the game went along, but at times it felt like the were just reaching for some changes. And when they brought in a modder to help balance it that made me wonder what's going on.

Still I can not wait for this. I am literally doing a run of Darkest Dungeon now just achievement hunting because I want to keep playing it.

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I usually like a flavored coffee, hazelnut and vanilla being my favorites. Give me that with a little milk and sugar and I am so happy.

I drink a lot of coffee but caffeine has basically no effect on me so I drink it purely for the taste. Probably regularly drinking coffee and soda since I was like 8 dulled it's effects. I can drink an energy drink or large coffee and fall asleep an hour later and get a great nights sleep. Actually a coffee before bed is how I relax.

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My movie ticket stubs. I know others collect this, but it's probably the most unique thing I collect. I have every stub from the past 12 years.

I use the save coffee cans from the vending machine coffee here in Japan, but having moved appartments a few times now bringing empty coffee cans was a bit much.