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Giant Bomb News


The Joke Becomes Reality, As Gearbox Completes Work on Duke Nukem Forever

Now, it's time for the game to do the talking.

The idea of running "gone gold" stories is something from the 90s, back when the concept was a PC developer's regular way of announcing development on a game had finished, producing a gold master.

It only makes sense to give Duke Nukem Forever, a game that should have been finished more than a decade ago, an honorary "gone gold" story, with Gearbox Software revealing today that Duke's done. More than likely, Duke Nukem Forever was finished weeks ago; "gone gold" stories tend to be a company's way of of getting one more headline before the game ships and players have the game.

"Always bet on Duke, I did," said Gearbox president Randy Pitchford in the press release. "I bet on all of the developers who have ever been a part of this legendary project and I bet that none of us want to live in a world without the Duke."

Now, it's time for the game to finally do the talking.

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