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Giant Bomb News


You Are The Big Daddy?

Details of Game Informer's exclusive begin to surface, cause confusion.

It's a magazine! About video games!
It's a magazine! About video games!
Well, today's been a big day full of fake BioShock 2 details, but with subscriber copies of April's Game Informer beginning to land in mailboxes, proper scans and blurry photos are starting to hit message boards.

There's a fat grip of facts in the ten-page article, so if you want to know more, hey, maybe you should go out and buy a copy of Game Informer or something? As I understand it (though I haven't seen the issue for myself) players will control a Big Daddy in BioShock 2. And the Big Sister that adorns the magazine's cover is apparently one-of-a-kind, not just another enemy. It sounds like the magazine has much, much more in it than those basic facts.

This is the part of the article where I try to refrain from getting all high-horse about how magazine scans are pretty bad, and straight-up jacking information and posting a complete list from something that people are supposed to pay for isn't much better. I'm certainly no champion of the printed page, but next time you wish EGM was still being printed, be sure to remember all the times you sought out scans instead of buying the magazine.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+