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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Dec 10, 2020

    An open-world action role-playing game by CD Projekt RED based on the pen and paper RPG Cyberpunk 2020.

    What are your most enjoyable side quests in Cyberpunk

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    Hello, I am currently playing thru Cyberpunk and finding the game quite boring.

    I am currently lvl 23 and have done all of reginas and wakakas gigs and havent really found any of them enjoyable/meaningful to do.

    So to try and keep my interest in this game going and to prevent me from going out and buying super robot wars I am looking to crowd source a list of quests/gigs etc that other people have found worth doing to try and see if i can find something in this game I find enjoyable.

    Also I am not trying to say that the game is bad its just not hitting with me.

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    Regina and Wakaka are minor characters. The meaty side quests are the ones with the major characters. River has a pretty good quest chain, as does Judy. The Peralez side quest chain is also pretty good.

    Gigs are pure filler and just there to grind on or for completionists. Characters who have a major role in the main story of the game tend to have the best side quests.

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    #3  Edited By FacelessVixen

    If the full questlines for Barry Lewis, Joshua Stephenson and Brendan didn't inspire anything, and you're not interested in the main story or following up on Judy , then don't force yourself to play the game. Just enjoy Super Robot Wars if that's what you'd rather do.

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    Yeah, I'd recommend skipping the gigs if you can and just stick with the side quests. My completionist brain didn't let me, and it was not worth turning that game into a 100-hour experience.

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    @brian_: unfortunanetly I think this is whats going to end up happening.

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    I spent most of my first 20 hours just doing gigs! I loved the combat in the game so that helped a bunch. The Panam and Judy questlines are pretty great. I need to go back and finish the game at some point, I guess.

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    I've played over 100 hours of that game and still can't really find the fun. And CP was my most anticipated game of 2020, but I'm probably not alone in that. I'm not sure what's missing, really. Even if there are fun missions, I think, after a while, there are just too many aspects of the game that break immersion and take me out of it. Maybe not enough side stuff? And I don't mean missions... I mean it's a huge, cool looking world, but there's nothing that you can do to entertain yourself in it. I think the least they could have done (since they gave you a free BD headset) was create bespoke BD experiences that you could buy, to make that part of the game even worthwhile. Let me play some arcade games. Can I get a lap dance at Lizzies? No, huh. I can buy a drink, but can't see myself drink it? I just have to select it from the menu. Wow fun. Those character upgrades kinda suck too. I dunno man. I'm gonna try playing the game again and maybe there will be an interesting mission, with a cool rare gun to acquire, that does something different than the other guns... hopefully. I think that's all I can ask for at this point.

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    I think the Perelez family quest is the best bit of side content in that game.

    Although my personal favorite is actually River's companion side quest especially if you are playing a female V. Made even better in my opinion if you have no actual interest him the way he does. It's a wonderful mess.

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    I finished everything. Like, everything because I'm insane. I really liked the story sidequests, and I didn't really enjoy any of the gigs. Joshua Stephenson was particularly interesting to experience totally sight-unseen because it was so different than they rest. I liked River's quest too.

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    Is the taxi stuff a side quest? I think so, i didn't enjoy some of the things i had to do but it was funny in places, the Gladdos bit felt weird and out of place.

    This isn't helpful but there was one quest in the game that reminded me of some of the brilliance of The Witcher 3 and i don't remember what it was, but that's emblematic of my experience with the game, it wasn't very memorable, i didn't really like any of the characters.

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    #11  Edited By Junkerman

    There was one of the gigs I remember doing - were you're tracking down the cyberpsychos or whatever. One of them these guys kidnapped the psycho's daughter for ransom, i forget why, anyway they end up killing her, turns out the dude is a veteran with a bunch of heavy military grade augs and he goes nuts and kills everything. He's at the end of this long pier on the ocean and the approach to get to him you're constantly finding scenes of all the havoc he reach to get there. The bodies you scan show signs of long range precision kills, up close carnage, it really painted an effective picture that these mobsters didnt know who they were dealing with, John Wick style.

    Anyway for a gig I found that to be very atmospheric and memorable. Most the other ones I just ended up strolling in and taking the person out non-lethally without more then the text message info.

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    I really enjoyed Judy and Panam's storylines, and to a lesser extent, River's. It helped that I liked those characters and wanted to do their storylines as an excuse to interact with them more.

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