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My Thoughts on Final Fantasy X - 25 Hours In

My adventures in Spira continue! Final Fantasy X: HD Remaster Edition is my first Final Fantasy game, I just passed 25 hours and here's what I know so far. For context, I'm currently on my way to Lake Ice World and, yes, I dodged 200 lightnings.


In no particular order, my thoughts:

Wakka just gets more racist, huh?

I like that most of the side characters have names and personalities, like the chocobo knights. That's really cool.

I appreciate that the linearity of the story is balanced by how open the mechanics are in terms of customizing weapons and navigating the sphere grid.

O'aka seems like an alright guy.

The party members don't have individual levels, so it's hard to know how over- or under-powered they are compared to each other.

Unless I missed it somewhere, they never explained the Jar Jar Binks race of people, the shoopuf drivers. For a game that loves explaining the races and cultures of its world, they seemed strangely ignored.

I love the excuses that are made for using some machina but not others. "Yevon says some are okay, stop questioning it!"

The temple puzzles don't make any sense to me.

Everything in this world is a sphere, but when the characters mention "spheres", they're usually just talking about video spheres, the least common sphere for me to come in contact with.

I like the Noel Coward guy who travels around telling you about different things in Spira.

When walking around hub areas, it's sometimes relevant whether I'm walking around as just Tidus or as the whole party, but there's no way to tell. ("You must not leave without Lady Yuna!" Oh, is Yuna not with me right now?)

Blitzball bad.


You can join the pilgrimage by visiting me on Twitch, where I stream daily, or catch the archives on YouTube. I'm planning on playing X-2 next, with 7R and XII on the horizon.