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I don't have roses in the closet but I've got pictures in a drawer, it's everything left in me not to stare at them anymore.

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Games of The Generation

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  • I've been thinking about this list for some time now and I just keep coming back to this and it's just the ending, the ending to this hit me like a 50 cal to the chest. It was just such a viscerally emotional moment for me, and I love that kind of stuff. I've said before that I like games that make me feel things and I can't think of game that made me feel more.

  • From here things will be just sorta unordered, I just wanted to be clear that Gone Home is my absolute favorite game of this generation. Ok now then, Donut County is a short, amazingly fun ride. It doesn't offer much in the way of replayability if I'm honest but that hasn't stopped me from going back now and then when I need something silly, fun and uplifting. It's a hell of a game and if you haven't played it, you should probably get on it.

  • This is probably hands down my favorite open world game of the generation, it's just such a blast, I love all the characters, and the typical ubisoft openworld emptiness is offset a fair amount by some colorful writing.

  • I simply cannot get over how few problems this game has. It's just such well thought out, well crafted thing. It was the roguelike made for me, and good god Darren Corb stop being so good at music.

  • This thing just keeps getting better, the last expansion is probably the best story in any RPG this generation and Soken is one of the best composers working at this point. I'm still in awe at how efficient the dev team is at tossing out the MMO stuff that doesn't work and instead replacing it with better parts.

  • I feel like everything's been said about this game already honestly, but I'll say my piece anyway. A fantastic story with incredibly strong and likeable characters, and zaney sidequests galore combine for 60 hours where there isn't a single dull moment.

  • I feel like this thing has no business being as good as it is, but here we are. The story gets a little absurd and out there if I'm honest, but it kinda doesn't matter because the characters are so strong here. They're all vibrant enjoyable characters and any shortcomings the game might have are uplifted as a result.

  • Bar none the best campaign in an FPS from this gen (Sorry DOOM), and the most satisfying movement in maybe any game. This has become my favorite FPS of all time and replaying the campaign is pretty much an annual tradition for. Rest in peace BT-7274

  • This may very well be recency bias but man, I'm a die hard Color Splash fan and this was just such a huge improvement in every facet. A killer OST, ridicuously fun dialogue, and great characters.

  • Stream value game of the generation for sure. Watching streamers react to the sheer mind boggling awfulness of this game is about as good time as one can have.