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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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My 3 Year Giant Bomb Anniversary Blog

I joined Giant Bomb on February 1, 2009, because Gamespot wasn’t really holding my appeal. Never would I have dreamed to actually stay in a video game community for this long, and to actually still enjoy it here! Some of ya’ll that’s known me these 3 years has known that I’ve grown into more of video game loving person, a self-loathing person (Click here for update), and even a people loving person. Unknown to most, I have grown very close to some of the users here, though for their own privacy I will not call them out. Before this all started, I vowed to never grow close to anyone and actually be a mutual or perhaps close friend; however, that has not worked. So, this post isn’t just for me… but for the incredible people who were willing to put up with me all these years (or year) that I can relate to, unlike the people that I know in real life. So to you all… thank you. I really feel less than an alien and outsider. =-)

So, since this is an anniversary post… I’m going to share the most precious memories that I have on record. =-P (My 10 most memorable moments that I have had here interacting with the community on Giant Bomb.)

1. The time when I revealed that I am asexual. The effect of this is still very fresh.

2. When I first introduced myself to the whole community who made me feel so welcome overtime (I was such a noob.)

3. The time when I talked and messaged a Giantbomb user via Skype for the very first time. It was also the first time I ever really talked with someone online and have a voice… though my voice isn’t something that I’m proud of.

4. My video game music blog made with a user that is no longer on Giantbomb, Diamond. Claude also did a nice introduction. The blog had 200 video game songs. The community made awesome recommendations. There were also other awesome video game music blogs, and they were a blast to make.

5. The time when I first appeared on an actual podcast called Mission Failed.

6. The time when I first entered the Giantbomb IRC chat room under the name “Computer”, which was changed to “Mork” afterwards.

7. The time where I expressed a very deep video game love with everyone, and even a Mario Kart racing idea.

8. When I was able to play Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 7, and Super Smash Bros. with fellow Giantbomb users, cause I have no visitors or real life friends to fight or race.

9. When I shared my poor artwork skills with everyone. Here and here.

10. When I was able to come up with reasonable and discussion worthy topics everyday in the forums for a short period of time. I think it lasted for a few months then I got tired. It was nice and it is still is nice to just see someone, even if it is just one person, to leave a comment.

Though I may not be as active now, I’m still here to stay! It’s been 3 great years, and may there be a future for me to continue to stay with the community. Cheers!

-Tyler York (Tireyo643)