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    Tiger Shark

    Character » appears in 3 games

    Tiger Shark is primarily the nemesis of Namor, but he appears in Marvel Ultimate Alliance as part of Dr. Doom's Masters Of Evil.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Tiger Shark is a supervillain in the Marvel Universe, who is an archnemesis of Namor The Sub-Mariner.

    Todd Arliss was an olympic swimmer.  His spinal cord was damaged when he rescued a man from drowning, which forced him to retire.  Wanting badly to be able to swim again, he became the subject of an experiment that blends his DNA with that of Namor and that of a tiger shark.  This cured Arliss, but also mentally scarred him.  He became the villain Tiger Shark, and terrorizes the seas to this day.

    Tiger Shark wears an orange suit with a grey stripe down the middle and grey gloves.  His mask has a big shark fin on it.

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