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Giant Bomb News


29:46:17, 64.67%

GTA IV: done!

29 hours, 46 minutes, and 17 seconds later, and I’m finished with Grand Theft Auto IV. Well, the main story, anyway. I’ve barely played any multiplayer, and of course my game progress is 64.67%. So there’s more to do, more to see. That’s always the way, isn’t it? I doubt I’ll try to see it all, to reach that 100% mark. Hunting down 199 pigeons doesn’t sound like too much fun to me.

The story is what I came to see. And I’m having trouble putting my feelings for this game’s story into words right now. I’ll spare you the fumbling and just say that it’s probably the greatest game story of all time, both in content and how it’s integrated into the rest of the game.

All those early reviews, where everyone tossed out the highest score they could give, left me scratching my head a bit in the game’s early hours. But I get it now. I understand.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+