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Aris "Aris" Bakhtanians Releases Statement on Recent Comments

The man at the center of this week's controversial remarks regarding sexual harassment in the fighting game community speaks out and apologizes.

Aris "Aris" Bakhtanians, leader of Team Tekken, was largely silent as events unfolded today.

While reporting yesterday's story about leading members of the fighting game community discussing the issue of sexual harassment in the fighting game scene, I reached out to the parties involved.

Besides Capcom, all silently declined.

The comments took place during Capcom's Cross Assault reality show, a competition acting as a promotion for next week's Street Fighter X Tekken. In the stream, community manager Jared Rea brought up the issue of sexually inappropriate language alienating potential fans of the fighting scene, and a debate ensued.

It's best if you just read what happened next.

Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi, member of Team Tekken and the female participant at the center of this, chose not to talk to me.

Aris "Aris" Bakhtanians, the male coach of Team Tekken attributed with the questionable commentary, did the same.

A few moments ago, however, Bakhtanians reached out to me over email, and released a brief statement. I asked Bakhtanians if he'd be willing to talk about the situation at length, but he unfortunately declined the opportunity.

His full statement is featured below:

I understand that I said some controversial statements on the Cross Assault show, and a lot of people are deeply offended with what was said. When I made these statements, I was very heated as I felt that the culture of a scene I have been a part of for over 15 years was being threatened. I unfortunately used extreme examples in the heat of the moment and feel that my statements don’t actually communicate how I feel. This is similar to what people say when they get into an argument with their girlfriend, and they say things that they deeply regret. I sincerely apologise if I have offended anyone. My statements do not reflect those of Capcom or myself. The last thing I want to do is get them in trouble for giving me and the fighting game community the opportunity to have an amazing show like this.

What I was trying to communicate is that mild hostility has always been a defining characteristic of the fighting game scene. Back when arcades were more prevalent, people didn’t like newcomers, and players needed to fight and pay their dues to get respect. The debate I was in was with a person who supported professional leagues, who have intent to censor the community to make it more accessible. I think the sink or swim mentality is something that defined our culture, and if that succeeds it removes something which has been important to help create some of the best fighting game players of our time. I was unfortunately unable to make this point clearly. Again, I am deeply sorry for offending anyone. This was a combination of the people taking things out of context and my own inability in the heat of the moment to defend myself and the community I have loved for over 15 years.

It's unlikely, however, Bakhtanians' statement alone will put this issue to rest.

I've received an enormous amount of feedback since the story ran, and I'm still filtering through the comments from both inside and outside the fighting game community. I'm setting up interviews as we speak. We'll revisit this soon.

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@Hailinel said:

@benson said:

@Phished0ne: I agree with you, a warning would have been more appropriate, but are we sure that LevelUp took this decision only because of Kotaku? I watched the stream live and I remember thinking "Oh God ETR please make that sociopath Marn shut the hell up, cut his mic, do something".

Don't get me wrong I have nothing but contempt for Kotaku like any sane individual and I feel like they did their article to profit off the controversy, but I think it's entirely possible that LevelUp decided on their own to show that they were willing to take action.

It's worth noting that it was Kotaku's article that provoked inkblot at SRK to write a more serious column on confronting the issue when just yesterday he was posted that cheerleading fluff piece. It's funny how fast he went from "we need to confront this eventually" to "we need to confront this right now."

Oh yeah, dont get me started about SRK. That place is a joke anymore when it comes to editorial content. I think its safe to say that there was mixture between the SRK reaction, and Kotaku article that forced Levelup's hand. Especially considering that SRK was a sponsor of LevelUp. But if SRK was going to pull sponsorship regardless, as it was mentioned in the same levelup post about Marn and ETR getting booted. Why bother boothing them? i guess just to keep up appearances for a future sponsorship and trying the EVO points thing again.

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Edited By benson

@Hailinel: @Phished0ne: Oh if that's how it happened then yeah it's definitely fishy.

I also find it really precious how Kotaku acts like the arbitrer of morals when they have a long and storied history of misogyny and homophobia.

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See. This is what I feared when I used a word like "witchhunt" earlier. ETR has been dragged down in an overzealous reprimand because of Marn's (Who seems cut from the same cloth as Aris) idiocy.

Everybody are walking on eggshells now because they're under such scrutiny from a sensationalist tabloid press that are salivating for some juicy gossip like some TMZ vultures.

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But of course, even voicing these concerns were apparently stupid, so don't mind me

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Edited By DesertDog

@TeflonBilly: You're still acting stupid. If ETR didn't mean it then it will all be made clear and he will truly rebound and come back from this.


It's too soon to be making jokes about it. Something bad happened to another human being and partaking in the ridicule of that situation is wrong. There is a time and a place and a way to do it to make those kinds of jokes and be respectful. The way they did was not. Thanks for posting the SouthPark pic. Shows exactly what kind of person you are and where you're coming from and everybody can go back to ignoring and not giving a crap about what you say now.

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@DesertDog: No, everybody should not be walking around on eggshells. I'm not saying that a little more sensitivity about the issue wouldn't have been better form, but you are now turning this into a public flogging of whoever even says a slight thing.

Super_Yan is obviously trying to get over it, but overzealous white knights like yourself who seem to kow better than her about what she feels are just making the situation worse now. The FGC are obviously trying to self police and improve now, but outsiders much as yourself aren't having any of it and are ready to be the paragons of virtue who wield judgement.

The South Park pic is more than apropos, because obviously the likes of you will not be happy until that "fat witch" Aris or someone like them suffers something horribly rather than maybe learning their lesson and growing as human beings instead.

You seem like a very angry and unreasonably hateful person

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Edited By DesertDog

@TeflonBilly said:

because obviously the likes of you will not be happy until that "fat witch" Aris or someone like them suffers something horribly rather than maybe learning their lesson and growing as human beings instead.

Nice way to assume to know what I want. To think that you know anything about me about what I'm thinking. Just the fact that you're saying that those of us who are defending Miranda and are upset over what Aris did and should suffer the consequences are "white knights" shows exactly where your belief systems lies. The only thing I believe Aris should suffer is a fade into oblivion as the greatest insult to a person is to isolate and ignore them. What's the old saying? Don't assume because it makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me"?

Just change racist for sexist or sexual harassment.

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People should be calling on the FGC community to conduct a witchhunt because the witches actually exist. Starting with Aris the fattest witch of them all.

Yup, sure sounds like you want to have people reform rather than suffer complete ostracism and blackballing.

And yes, I use the phrase "white knights" for guys who think they know better than the girl herself does. It's obvious that she was hurt and I'm sure she appreciated the support during this horrible ordeal, but from all intents and purposes she seems to be trying to get on and use this to better the community. Not dwell on it and let it tear it apart. However the likes of you don't seem to have their vengelust sated and are still going on a full on attack rather than trying to use this as a springboard for both healing and reform.

Not once have I defended Aris or his reprehensible actions in this thread and done nothing but a call for him to lose any sort figurehead position in the FGC if they are to be taken seriously onward, but I have severe reservations against how this potential witchunt will progress when I see the one sided and terrible coverage the aftermath has gotten as well as the fallout which includes Marn's stupid commentary.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@DesertDog: I dont know that you can say that if he truly didnt mean it all will be made clear. It all depends on how serious LevelUp wants to be. Hell, ETR is probably a better guy than this, But i know if i was him i would be bitter as fuck. The guys at LevelUp threw him under the bus. This is coming from someone who has donated money to LevelUp. Instead of warning him, and issuing a statement that says he will be put on commentary probation or something like that, they flat out banned him. I dont think anyone at LevelUp really thinks he was being serious. They are just putting on a show for all the people that now have their eyes trained on the FGC because of Aris.

I still hold, almost solely because of Kotaku. I don't believe that Evan Narcisse is interested in the FGC, he watched WNF(if he even did) to do exactly what he did do. Wait for someone to inevitably make light of the situation(Because humans naturally joke about things they are trying to cope with) and write an article about how the FGC is full of inhuman monsters. He stated on twitter that he "watched the whole WNF segment" whatever that means, and he(or someone else) cherry-picked around one minute and 30 seconds of an hour and 30 minute(at least, i didnt see that particular WNF because i was without internet) broadcast.

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Edited By DesertDog

@TeflonBilly said:

Yup, sure sounds like you want to have people reform rather than suffer complete ostracism and blackballing.

And yes, I use the phrase "white knights" for guys who think they know better than the girl herself does. It's obvious that she was hurt and I'm sure she appreciated the support during this horrible ordeal, but from all intents and purposes she seems to be trying to get on and use this to better the community. Not dwell on it and let it tear it apart. However the likes of you don't seem to have their vengelust sated and are still going on a full on attack rather than trying to use this as a springboard for both healing and reform.

Not once have I defended Aris or his reprehensible actions in this thread and done nothing but a call for him to lose any sort figurehead position in the FGC if they are to be taken seriously onward, but I have severe reservations against how this potential witchunt will progress when I see the one sided and terrible coverage the aftermath has gotten as well as the fallout which includes Marn's stupid commentary.

I've already said exactly what I hope happens to people who are guilty of doing the same kinds of things that Aris has done so I'll ignore the first part. As for the rest you're assuming you know what the intentions of other people are. This is the same problem you've had all along. As far as the consequences of the "terrible coverage" that's just your opinion. I think the right things are happening and nothing so far has come close to any sort of "witch hunt" because again it's the wrong word. Witchhunts were wrong because witches don't actually exist. People who make sexist, racist, and generally abusive comments towards other people do exist and yes those people should be hunted down, pointed out, ostracized, and isolated from the rest of the community in order for the entire fighting game community to grow as a whole and mature.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@DesertDog: If someone is caught in the crossfire because of relatively harmless comments they made. It then counts as a Witchhunt also, IMO. Its right for Aris to come under fire, its right for there to be scrutiny against the FGC right now. But Kotaku effectively helped get someone kicked out of a position they love doing. That they love doing not because they get payed, but because they want to do what they can to give back to the community. It was almost slanderous what Kotaku did to ETR. They made him seem like a monster. I'm sure a lot of the people in the community are frustrated and embarrassed by Aris right now. But ETR shouldn't have to be embarrassed too(and if you read his blog post i posted a few responses above he is clearly embarrassed), his comments were mere crumbs compared to the full plate of food that was Aris' actions/words.

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@DesertDog: See I'd rather see Aris go to a sexual harassment seminar or sensitivity training and actually speak out to the community which he obviously is a huge part of about this experience. I don't follow Tekken that closely, but he has been one of the main forces in that camp and would be a huge loss for them. Maybe I'm just being naive in believing in people being able to improve if you give them a chance. You sound quite content with him just as well getting the electric chair for this.

I call this a potential witch hunt for a lack of a better word (Sorry, but English isn't my first language) because this kneejerk hysteria has already shown how easily someone like ETR can be thrown under the bus as @Phished0ne said because of overreaching and overcompensating for this.

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My statements do not reflect those of Capcom or myself.

nice try. doesn't absolve you of being a giant douchenozzle.

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Edited By benson

@TeflonBilly said:

@DesertDog: See I'd rather see Aris go to a sexual harassment seminar or sensitivity training and actually speak out to the community which he obviously is a huge part of about this experience. I don't follow Tekken that closely, but he has been one of the main forces in that camp and would be a huge loss for them. Maybe I'm just being naive in believing in people being able to improve if you give them a chance. You sound quite content with him just as well getting the electric chair for this.

I call this a potential witch hunt for a lack of a better word (Sorry, but English isn't my first language) because this kneejerk hysteria has already shown how easily someone like ETR can be thrown under the bus as @Phished0ne said because of overreaching and overcompensating for this.

Come on now, your heart is in the right place and I understand why you're concerned about the FGC being unfairly criticized by some, but you're getting really hyperbolic and you misrepresent the opinion of others. Sure Kotaku are scum and LevelUp went too far (even though I still think that taking radical actions and drawing a line in the sand was the right thing to do) but the FGC isn't going to be destroyed. No one is going to take our hype away.

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@benson: I probably am being a tad hyperbolic and paranoid, but the notion of catering to kneejerk reactions from indignant and/or ignorant masses which might end up hurting a subculture, wether intentionally or not, gives me a sour taste in my mouth.

I'm just hoping to see some more reasoned responses and reactions and hopefully some more nuanced coverage a la the way Jeff and Patrick articulated themselves on the Bombcast rather than the frankly dire reporting I've seen otherwise.

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Edited By benson

@TeflonBilly: I get where you're coming from and you have every right to express your concern, but you need to realize that when DesertDog says that Aris should be ostracised and you go straight to "You sound quite content with him just as well getting the electric chair for this", you're going down the same slippery slope that you're so afraid of and you poison the debate. It doesn't help anyone, and frankly it makes our side look bad! If you want to prove that the FGC isn't composed of manchildren, being calm and collected will look way better than getting angry and putting words in the mouth of others.

On another note, I agree that the way Jeff and Patrick commented on this story in the Bombcast was great, and I'm really curious to see what Patrick's follow-up will look like. He seems to really care about journalistic integrity so I'm pretty sure that he's going to adress the whole "hey don't use this story as an excuse to gang-up on the FGC" angle.

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@benson: Yeah, you're right. I was going for the electric chair comment being tounge in cheek, but it seems that didn't come across so well (I almost wrote "Exiled to a gulag in Siberia" instead, but it'd probably garner the same response).

Most of my posts tend to lean towards a sillier side than what I've posted in this thread.

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So now that the article isn't on the front page and everything's been discussed to death, is it time for FUNNY VIDEOS? Yes it is! Here's one explaining why Marn is a piece of shit:

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Edited By yukoasho

@Toms115 said:

My statements do not reflect those of Capcom or myself.

nice try. doesn't absolve you of being a giant douchenozzle.

In a way, he's right. Capcom will never, EVER let him anywhere near one of their sponsored events, so he'll never get to speak for them again.

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Edited By time allen

@YukoAsho said:

@Toms115 said:

My statements do not reflect those of Capcom or myself.

nice try. doesn't absolve you of being a giant douchenozzle.

In a way, he's right. Capcom will never, EVER let him anywhere near one of their sponsored events, so he'll never get to speak for them again.

i was more talking about him saying that his own comments that came from his own mouth somehow don't represent him, but yea. if capcom don't want to alienate an entire gender, they'd probably want to avoid the beardy asshole in the future.

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Edited By yukoasho

@Toms115: Ah, missed that part of the statement. Guess I'm too used to the "out of context" excuse from bullshit politicians.

Of course his statements reflect himself, who else are they going to reflect on? You don't get more clear in your opinion than saying "...the sexual harassment is part of a culture, and if you remove that from the fighting game community, it’s not the fighting game community..."

Dude's just butthurt he'll never see money in fighting games again.

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Edited By AiurFlux

@langdonx said:

@AiurFlux said:

So competition outside the lines of corporate influence makes phrases such as "Rape that bitch!" or "Fuck that whore up!" completely acceptable? It means that new competitive talent should be shunned endlessly? It means that a woman should be berated repeatedly by asking her what her bra size is as well as other sexist drivel?

Somebody crack this fucking moron upside the head with a crowbar. Please. I beg of you.

So in summary:

  • Not OK: Suggesting that someone playing a video game rape a character they're fighting against.
  • OK: Beating another human being with a crowbar over a difference of opinion.

You know what, fine. Take your brownie point. A game character shouldn't matter. There's a difference between virtual reality and reality, clearly. However what he did say in the span of his cast makes the guy look like a complete fucking moron. When two girls are playing and saying that you're going to make a prize out of the one that wins is acceptable? Asking about bra size on air is acceptable? Taking the FUCKING STREAM CAMERA and zooming it in on one's breasts and buttocks is acceptable? There's a difference between saying something clearly in jest and flat out continually sexually harassing someone.

And yes, clubbing pieces of shit like this upside the head with a crowbar is acceptable far as I'm concerned now. If she has a boyfriend/brother/husband/father/etc. I'd hope that he'd do it. Pieces of shit like this give men a bad name. Pieces of shit like this are the reason why I have to do sensitivity training every 3 months despite the fact that I'm not a social reject and/or retard. It's not opinion, it's fucking common sense.

Now have a good day and do me a favour, fuck off.

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Edited By thebigJ_A

I'm sorry, no. You don't get to make disgusting statements, that clearly reflect your opinion, and then go "I didn't mean it like that" and expect everyone to forgive you.

This douche was actually astonished that someone might think screaming "rape that bitch" might be inappropriate. This douche actually argued that taking away sexual harassment would be a bad thing. Because, you know, it's 'part of a culture'. That's like saying lynch mobs were part of KKK culture, so it was bad when those stopped, or that homophobia is part of Christian culture, so we shouldn't work to eradicate that part of it.

Some days, I weep for humanity.

Keep up the good work Patrick. This was already one of my favorite sites, now it's gotten better.

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Edited By KowalskiManDown

The fighting game community should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

It's absolutely disgraceful. The analogy that Bakhtanians made about sexual harassment being part of the scene and if it was taken away it "wouldn't be the same" is quite honestly one of the stupidest comments I've heard in my entire life. I hope he burns.

We need to get Jared on the Bombcast again!

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Creamypies said:

The fighting game community should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

It's absolutely disgraceful. The analogy that Bakhtanians made about sexual harassment being part of the scene and if it was taken away it "wouldn't be the same" is quite honestly one of the stupidest comments I've heard in my entire life. I hope he burns.

We need to get Jared on the Bombcast again!

no, the FGC shouldn't be ashamed of themselves, Aris should be ashamed of HIMSELF. I've never heard any competitive fighter or commentator who pointed out Aris as one of the heads of the community. Maybe one of the Tekken community, but i wouldn't even go that far. He has always been a jerk, and the few times he's been allowed on streams he's made an ass of HIMSELF. People need to stop making this reflect on the whole community. It may be a problem, but as i've stated, and they stated on the bombcast, its not JUST a problem in the FGC, its a problem in gaming, forums, and the internet in general. Aris has made a career out of catering to the stream trolls, the lowest common denominator of any competitive gaming sector. Capcom chose him for Cross Assault FOR THIS REASON, they had to know about Aris, and they brought him in to make the reality show entertaining. Capcom just shot a missile into the FGC in the process of their self-aggrandizing.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta:

THAT is the real FGC, not some fucking reality show bullshit. The real shame is that things like that will never get covered by the big sites like Kotaku. No one will report about it's Final Round's 15th anniversary, or how its became one of the biggest tournaments on the East Coast. How the community across the continent is currently donating to help pay for Larry's moms funeral, Or how the FGC raised money for Japan Tsunami relief. How the community is rapidly growing. Or how the vast majority of people in the FGC aren't assholes, because it doesn't garner page views.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Phished0ne: On the other hand, I have never known the FGC at large to be all that interested in promoting itself outside of its community. It has always struck me as being very insular, with some particularly hostile members treating it as the secret treehouse club where you're not welcome if you're so new to the genre that you couldn't throw a hadouken to save your life or if you happen to prefer games in the genre that aren't favored by the competitive scene.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Hailinel: That is a fair assessment. But i dont really know any other competitive gaming scenes to compare against it. Although I've heard horror stories about people trying to learn DOTA games. So i dont really know how much you can say its just the FGC that has that problem. But a lot of communities in general have that problem. These forums can be like that, and i know as a young Phish fan i got a lot of shit from people entrenched in the community about how my opinion didn't matter because i am fairly new to the band due to my age. But what it boils down to is ignoring the jerks.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Phished0ne said:

@Hailinel: That is a fair assessment. But i dont really know any other competitive gaming scenes to compare against it. I've heard some bad things about trying to enter the SC scene or the DOTA thought too. I've heard horror stories about people trying to learn DOTA games. So i dont really know how much you can say its just the FGC that has that problem.

It's not necessarily FGC-specific. However, all of this talk started because of the crass behavior of someone from within the community that behaved like a caveman in a forum far more public than what he was apparently used to. If a similar incident were to happen with regards to the StarCraft or DOTA communities, I'm sure that the larger response would also be the same.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Hailinel: I just wonder if it happened in one of those communities if there would be as much demonization of the community as a whole. I also wonder if someone in the SC or DOTA community said that if it would've been covered by PA, Destructioid, Kotaku, Giantbomb, et all. Im sure the response would be the same, i just wonder if the coverage would've been the same. As much as the FGC loves to tout how long they have been around, they have been in the light for a lot less longer than a lot of other competitive gaming institutions. The press is practically beating up an infant.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Phished0ne said:

@Hailinel: I just wonder if it happened in one of those communities if there would be as much demonization of the community as a whole. I also wonder if someone in the SC or DOTA community said that if it would've been covered by PA, Destructioid, Kotaku, Giantbomb, et all. Im sure the response would be the same, i just wonder if the coverage would've been the same. As much as the FGC loves to tout how long they have been around, they have been in the light for a lot less longer than a lot of other competitive gaming institutions. The press is practically beating up an infant.

DOTA hasn't been around for nearly as long as fighting games or the community that spawned around them. As a genre, it's still in its formative stages to the point that people can't even agree on what to call it. I too have heard the horror stories of newcomers to DOTA who were received with hostility, but from my experience, DOTA and its ilk are still not as public or as popular in the same sense as fighting games. However, my knowledge of the MOBA scene is severely limited; I have never played a game in the genre and have little interest in keeping up with the community to any extent. However, if a huge Cross Assault-like blow-up were to occur, I have no doubt that I'd be seeing coverage of it.

As for StarCraft, it is a scene that is largely under the control of Blizzard because unlike fighting games or MOBA titles, it is focused entirely on one game, and many StarCraft tournaments and events are officially sanctioned and sponsored by Blizzard. Now, if Blizzard were to host a Cross Assault-like reality show in which the Team Zerg captain sexually harassed one of his own team members to the point that she throws a match just to be done with him, then not only the community, but Blizzard itself would have a problem because the community is tied specifically to Blizzard's product.

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Edited By Phished0ne

@Hailinel said:

Now, if Blizzard were to host a Cross Assault-like reality show in which the Team Zerg captain sexually harassed one of his own team members to the point that she throws a match just to be done with him, then not only the community, but Blizzard itself would have a problem because the community is tied specifically to Blizzard's product.

Although, that would never happen because Blizzard is a lot classier than to stoop to producing a 'reality show'. =P

But that brings up a point, why hasnt capcom(or at least the department in capcom that produced the show) come under much fire for this? Im not trying to scapegoat for Aris because as i have stated a lot in this thread, i have always disliked him. But it took place in Capcom's HQ, and they had people making sure no one swore(much) or broke rules. Hell, after day one twitter was blowing up calling team Tekken 'team sexual harrassment'. Using the Cross Assault hashtag even. why didn't they step in? I wonder if the idea of it being a 'reality show' clouded the producers judgement. I guess they were kind of in a rough spot though, they couldn't throw Aris off the show, because that would leave Team Tekken without a coach, but im sure they could've come up with something.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Phished0ne said:

@Hailinel said:

Now, if Blizzard were to host a Cross Assault-like reality show in which the Team Zerg captain sexually harassed one of his own team members to the point that she throws a match just to be done with him, then not only the community, but Blizzard itself would have a problem because the community is tied specifically to Blizzard's product.

Although, that would never happen because Blizzard is a lot classier than to stoop to producing a 'reality show'. =P

But that brings up a point, why hasnt capcom come under much fire for this? Im not trying to scapegoat for Aris because as i have stated a lot in this thread, i have always disliked him. But it took place in Capcom's HQ, and they had people making sure no one swore(much) or broke rules. Hell, after day one twitter was blowing up calling team Tekken 'team sexual harrassment'. Using the Cross Assault hashtag even. why didn't they step in? I wonder if the idea of it being a 'reality show' clouded the producers judgement.

I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know who Capcom had monitoring the events, and I don't know why Aris's behavior was allowed to carry on for so long. I would love to know the reasoning for all of this. There are a lot of questions that need answering, but too few are willing to speak openly.

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@Hailinel: Maybe we'll hear more from Capcom now that the show just finished up earlier tonight (probably not I think).

@Phished0ne: That's a cool video and great moment. It got me to looking up some more positive FGC-related things just out of curiosity, and I found like the best example of acceptance from anywhere, let alone the FGC, that I've seen in quite awhile. Lol, I'm sorry, but there's just no way this one ugly incident represents what that whole community is about.

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@churrific: Great video, thanks for posting.
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Edited By Phished0ne

@churrific: Yes, Broly's story is an amazing one. I'm glad a lot of these things are being discussed here. Aris damaged the FGC, and part of the patching that has to be done, is counteracting with all the good stories that never get published.

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Edited By benson

@Hailinel said:

As for StarCraft, it is a scene that is largely under the control of Blizzard because unlike fighting games or MOBA titles, it is focused entirely on one game, and many StarCraft tournaments and events are officially sanctioned and sponsored by Blizzard. Now, if Blizzard were to host a Cross Assault-like reality show in which the Team Zerg captain sexually harassed one of his own team members to the point that she throws a match just to be done with him, then not only the community, but Blizzard itself would have a problem because the community is tied specifically to Blizzard's product.

Interestingly enough, there was an incident at Blizzcon last year relating to homophobia and the story progressed in a similar way: at first it was all "it's just a joke you guys, don't be so sensitive" but once enough people started complaining they apologized and said they would take measures to make sure it wouldn't happen again.

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Edited By RedRavN

This seems like it should be an issue between aris and the girl Miranda to me. It seems to me that there is a big difference between sexual harrassment and being an insensitive jerk. It should be up to the Miranda how things should proceed. Whats with all the people that are offended and stepping in for her? She did not seem particularly traumatized by the incident and some people seem convinced that aris sawed off her leg and that she is permanently traumatized. I think the FGC should be able to self regulate and have there own set of standards for acceptable behavior.

Its kind of like saying that a heavy metal concert is to loud and full of lewd and rude people. If you don't like the scene then find another that you can belong to. As far as I know, its not a crime to make fun of people. I suppose harassment is a very subjective thing and I think if the victims here have a complaint they should file it and the managment should take action. If there is no actual complaint then why does anything need to change. As far as I gather, the actual fighting game community seems rather content with there ways and the people that are offended are just outsiders that feel like they have the right to force their opinions on a group of people. This incident does not even reflect the community at large and is a specific incident between two individuals.

I do not believe that aris's behavior was right especially as a public spectacle and if I was a manager I would make sure that it does not happen again. I feel bad for the women who were mistreated. However, as an outsider I do not think my opinion should matter at all. As long as no laws were broken then I do not see an issue with the internal community dealing with the problem.

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Edited By Gregomasta

@Jethuty said:

@RurouniGeo said:

@patrickklepek: Patrick my thing on this is you even said/joked on twitter about Jim Sterling and how you were racing to get this story out. THats not cool and its not the good Journalism I've come to expect from you. I must admit to patrick haters that I've cringed at certain points in videos and things but I've always loved your writing except this. You reached out on twitter to....5 or 6 people in a community with 300 or so big names and then took it on yourself to do what everyone else from Destructiod, Penny Arcade and Kotaku did and run a rare juicy gossipy story that we get so few of in videogames.

I'm sure someone has linked you to LI Joe's stream where Aris and players on the Cross Assault show called in and talked right? Sherry Jenix, Aris, and Dr. Sub Zero had all called in by 10 or 11pm pacific time monday night. There was tons more information out there and the video game media just pieced together forum posts, youtube videos, and twitter for their stories. Furthermore these people are dead tired and stresed. They have to sit and play a game for nearly 12 hours everyday and have that $25K hanging over their heads so give them some time. Also I'm sure you are familiar with non disclosure agreements sometimes not telling people you are under one is part of the agreement right?

I expected poor journalism and rushed articles from other news outlets Patrick but not you and giant bomb. Especially after that great Noah article a while back.

Your colleagues can come out and say that "the media isn't their to support their scene" (also reversaly the community isnt here to meet your deadlines and do interviews on your timetable) and thats fine and good if the media is doing its job and being fair. Penny Arcade and Destructiod both got facts wrong and they are still taking to twitter and whatever else and lashing out at the problematic community and how bad press that reflects on the whole is our fault and not theirs.

This goes to everyone: Watch I got next, King of Chinatown Fair or any of the other great Arcade/Fighting game community documentaries that so many people worked hard on that game out last year. That's the soul of the community. Talk about Uncle Alex Valle the coach on team street fighter and the hundreds of tournaments he's sponsors and the players he's helped.

I have faith in you Patrick that if anyone can give the story the context it needs you can. I'm not asking you to brush aside whats happened or to write a positive things about the community but don't throw us all under the bus like everyone else.

Also for the record my street fighter 4 training partner is a transgendered person. We are extremely welcoming of all people no matter your disability, gender, orientation, or race. Aris and the west coast isn't the entire fighting game community.

This, and watch "focus" too.

Agreed, and watch this as well.

That video has nothing to do with Aris and Miranda. I hope I can enlighten the gb community to what the fighting game community is all about. The man speaking is Larry, "ShinBlanka", he runs the Final Round tournoment. His mother died 2 days prior to Friday's tournament.

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Chill out.

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Edited By Enigma_2099

Assholes say the damndest things, don't they?

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Edited By Phished0ne

What i think the whole thing boils down to is that they were on a reality show. They were on a reality show that was trying to be kept appropriate for most ages(hence not being able to swear). But where it breaks down is that the people running Cross Assault were probably so thrilled by the spectacle that was being created for the show by Aris, that their judgement was clouded when it came to punishing him for his behavior.

I suggest you try reaching out to and see if he can speak about it at all. He was the host of CrossAssault(and i assume, the person in charge). He is also the Senior Product Manager in the fighting game division of Capcom. I doubt you can gleen anything from him due to his position at capcom, but it might be worth a shot. I really have to commend giantbomb for their coverage of this. It was a lot less finger-pointy at the whole FGC, and instead more pointed at where it was deserved, Aris. I would love to see a more in-depth article about CrossAssault and its effect on the community. I think it would be great if you could manage to score an interview with MattD, but once again i doubt that would be possible. I just want to know what the hell happened at capcom offices those days that prevented them from taking action against Aris, he clearly crossed the line. I beg you Patrick, don't listen to anything those jerks at SRK say. That site is pretty terrible, i mean look at the differences between Inkblot's article he wrote before Kotaku covered the Aris scandal, and the article he wrote after Kotaku covered ETR and Marn's actions on Wednesday Night Fight. SRK is just a site worried about making money now it seems, and they bend at the spine to do whatever outside forces think the community they supposedly represets should do. They do have good guides and forums(to some extent) but a lot of the 'editorial content' written for that place is gutter trash(shoutouts to Dudley!) Especially articles written by Tom "Inkblot" Cannon.