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Giant Bomb News


If You're Not in the UK, Don't Even Read This!

We've got a survey opportunity that I know will excite you... provided you live in the UK, of course.

Buys 8 games per month, loves Steam, unemployed, enjoys anarchy.
Buys 8 games per month, loves Steam, unemployed, enjoys anarchy.

Hello UK-based individuals! My name is Jeff Gerstmann and boy, have I got a deal for you!

...OK, let's cut the crap. It's advertising survey time for those of you based in the United Kingdom. The goal is pretty simple, really: By knowing more about you, the guys we're looking to work with over in the UK will be better equipped to put ads on the site that are, ideally, relevant to your interests. So we've set up a quick set of questions to find out a bit more about you guys. It's simple stuff, really. It's all "how old are you?" and "do you buy games or what?" type stuff. I bet you could fill it out in less than five minutes, provided you leave out all those extra U's, Mr. UK English.

Filling this out, for reals, will actually help us out tremendously. Once a bunch of you respond, we'll be able to send out our UK sales dudes and have them be able to present the Giant Bomb viewers as you really are. But I have to ask... please only fill out the survey if you're from the UK. Skewed results don't help anyone! Also, we know where you live and we'll disallow and disqualify anyone from outside the region. So don't be crazy!

At the end of the survey, you'll notice there's a spot for your email address. That's optional, and we're not going to do anything crazy with the address, but if you provide it we'll enter you into a random drawing for a $10 discount code for the good ol' Whiskey Media Store. Yeah, it's probably weird that we're holding a drawing for USDs for our UK survey, but let's just try not to think about that too hard, cool?

For those of you in the rest of Europe and throughout North America, we'll have more opportunities for survey answering (and potential rewards for doing so) in the coming months.


Thanks, you guys. Or should I say "Cheers, mates?" No, seriously, should I say that? I have no idea. Maybe I should have added that to the survey.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+