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Giant Bomb News


In Its Entirety: The Let's CATCH Info Sheet

Finally. We can play catch. On the Wii.

Hey! Catch!
Hey! Catch!
This is the complete text of the info sheet given out by Sega for Let's Catch, a WiiWare game from Prope in which you... play catch. It raises a lot of important questions about the human condition, such as "CAN YOU CATCH THE BALL THAT HUMAN CANNOT THROW?" So I thought you might be interested in seeing just how much information and how many modes a developer can slap into a game about catch.

Yeah. OK, here goes...

The game brings an outdoor game of catch right in your own living room!

                                           Let’s CATCH

“Let’s CATCH” is the title exclusive for Wii Ware developed by Prope, lead by “Yuji Naka” who has
designed several masterpiece to the gaming industry. The intuitive control that takes the
advantage of the unique characteristics of Wii remote enables you to experience the real sense of
throw and catch the ball in your own living room. This is the new sense of sensory game offers
such simple fun to you. The game brings you back to the time you spent playing catch until you
lost the track of the time!

● A palm to palm communication. The game for playing catch make it debut on
Wii Ware!

Have you played catch with someone recently? Playing catch is one of the favorite thing for the
free time for the children in old age. However, we don’t see many children who play catch in the
recent year where the children don’t have the place and time for it. The catch between father and
child often conveyed the words they cannot tell each other... New game which bring back the old
day, a game for playing catch makes it debut on Wii Ware.

● Reproduce the sense of “catching the ball” by taking advantage of unique
characteristics of Wii remote!

The game enables the control as if you play catch in reality with Wii Remote.Wii. When you
catch the ball just right, the Wii Remote vibrate and the crisp sound of the ball landing in your
glove plays from Wii Remote which increase the reality in the game. First person view is
another factor to make you dig into the fun of catch. We concentrate on realize the sense of
good and bad when you catch the ball in your palm.

■ Story Mode (Single Play)

In this mode the story is taking place while player plays catch with NPCs. The NPCs you can
play catch increases and the conversation between them proceeds when you keep playing catch
with them. Many dramas are hidden in the innocent conversation with them. At the end playing
catch will save the earth?

■ Speed Catch (Single Play)

You’ll succeed when you can catch the ball throw by NPC and game is over when you missed 3
times. Very simple rule but when you succeed the NPC throws the ball and the speed of its
throw become faster. When you keep catching successfully, you’ll reach beyond the bounds of
human reach. Can you catch the ball that human cannot throw?

■ Nine Trial / Bomber Catch (Multiplayer play)

The party games that can be played with maximum 4 players. “Nine Trial” is the game to
complete who the speed of shooting down all 9 plates. In “Bomber Catch”, the players tossing
the 1 bomber each other and the one who drop the bomb will loose. Both can be enjoyed
playing with family and friends.

                            【Product Overview】
                            Title: Let’s CATCH
                            Platform: Wii(WiiWare)
                            Release Date: Dec, 2008
                            Price: 1,000 Wii pts
                            Genre: Sensory Sports
                            Player: 1-4 players
                            Rating: Pending
                            Copyright:(C) SEGA / PROPE
                            Official Site:
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