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Giant Bomb News


Mega Man 9 Out Next Week, Proto Man DLC 10/6

North American dates for Mega Man 9 confirmed.

I have a sinking feeling that I'm going to absolutely hate Mega Man 9. On paper, it sounds like the greatest game ever made. Here, print out this next sentence and it'll prove that I'm right...

Hey dude, we're making a new Mega Man game but it's going to deliberately be like the old Mega Man games.

...see? Doesn't that sound like the best thing to ever happen in the history of ever? The thing people keep forgetting, though, is that those Mega Man games--and really, most old-ass 8-bit games--are way harder than today's games. And everything I've seen on Mega Man 9 makes it sound like it's going for "old-school toughness" and all that.

That doesn't sound like a "back in my day, games were better" nostalgia trip, that sounds like "hey, if I die by falling off these disappearing platforms one more time I'm going to go burn down a movie theater and claim that I got the idea because the marquee said Burn After Reading on it!"

Actually, I had that idea while we were driving into work this morning and it has nothing to do with Mega Man 9. Mega Man 9 will probably be OK. It's got three different release dates, one for each platform.

Wii: 9/22
PSN: 9/25
XBLA: 10/1

In further Mega Man 9 news, GamesRadar got the goods on downloadable content for the game. The week of 10/6 will see the addition of Proto Man on all three platforms. His shield can block most standard bullets, but he'll get knocked back twice as hard when he does get hit. Sounds like a rough trade to me. That'll be around $2 on each platform.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+