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Giant Bomb News


Second Borderlands Add-On Due Later This Month

Get a bank! And more skill points!

Can't we get BEYOND Underdome? 
Can't we get BEYOND Underdome? 
OK, it seems clear now that Gearbox and 2K are going to take this "downloadable add-on" thing pretty seriously, as they've officially announced the second piece of DLC for Borderlands, Max Moxxi's Underdome Riot.

As I selfishly skim the released information for details that may be relevant to my level 50 soldier, two things immediately jump out. First, this add-on will bring a bank to Borderlands, giving players a place to leave behind any exceptional, but not immediately useful loot they may find. An out-of-inventory storage area is a great idea, as I'm still running around with old guns that look cool, but aren't powerful enough to actually be of any use in a fight.

Also, the quest rewards in the Underdome pack will include two skill points, which you can apply to your skill tree however you see fit. I understand if this sounds meaningless to you, but if you've played as much Borderlands as I have, you're probably all "two new skill points! YEAH!!!!" It's not quite the same as a proper raise of the level cap, but it's close enough for now.

As you may have guessed from the additional trophy details that leaked out yesterday (if not Mad Max-like nature of the pack's name), this pack adds more arenas to the game. There will be three new "Riot Mode" arenas, to be exact. I have to admit, I'm not sure if the use of this "Riot Mode" moniker will mean that they're any different from the game's existing arenas, each of which offered a few waves of enemies to battle in a tight, dare I say, arena-like environment. They got a little tough, but since you could respawn after a death and run right back into the arena mid-battle, none of them were impossible. Hopefully there's more to this DLC pack than that.

The pack will run you $10 and will appear on the Xbox 360 on December 29. PlayStation 3 owners will have to wait a bit, as that release is scheduled for January 7. There's no word on a PC release, but considering the first DLC--The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned--hit the PC earlier this week, that makes it sound like PC players could be seeing Max Moxxi before the end of January. 
Oh, hey, here are two screenshots of this thing, too.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+