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Giant Bomb News


Take A Gander At Excitebots' Online Multiplayer

Nintendo has released some shots of the online bot action in its new Wii racer, due out next week.

Excitebots: Trick Racing, Nintendo's next whimsical Wii racer, is like Excite Truck... only with robots. Robots that mostly look like bugs, apparently. Oh yeah, and it has online multiplayer, too, something the previous game decidedly lacked. Nintendo sent out a few screenshots of the online mode today, and you can tell they're definitely online because, hey, list of player names on the side! Also, I would like to point out that ladybug has a hammer coming out of it. I'm curious to see if this has more of a Mario Kart sort of vibe, with the ludicrous weapons and car designs and all.

Here's the pitch Nintendo sent along with the shots.

Six players can race online via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in both Excite Race and Poker Race modes. If friends can’t join online, players can exchange ghost data via WiiConnect24™ and challenge their friends to outdo their most daring tricks. (Note that broadband access is required for online play.)

Excitebots is due in stores next week, so tune in for some hard-hitting coverage in the near future.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+