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The 2011 Spike Video Game Awards: On Teabagging, Cupcakes, and Charlie Sheen

Alex examines why the Spike VGAs aren't really the awards show the video game industry needs, but might just be the one it deserves.

Somewhere between Felicia Day and Brooklyn Decker bobbing for cupcakes, and Sledgehammer Games co-founder Michael Condrey being gently eased to the ground so that he might receive a mimed "teabagging" from a man who had been hired for this expressed purpose, a salient and depressing realization came to me: The Spike Video Game Awards are not for me, and they're never going to be.

This image sums up the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards better than any words could.
This image sums up the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards better than any words could.

For nine years now, Spike TV, GameTrailers, and complicit publishers have continued to push the illusion that the VGAs are an actual award show. And for nine years, people have continued to say, out loud, that we do not believe this. No matter how many times we try to express that we understand that the VGAs are simply an elaborate marketing ploy, designed to get brand awareness out for huge new games that we won't see until next year or later, Geoff Keighley and the show's producers continue to press this notion that the VGAs are meant to be taken seriously, and that the awards are meant to mean something. And every year, we end up back in the same place, watching the same embarrassing pageant of D-list celebrities trotted onto the stage to usurp air time that, on literally any other awards show, would have been dedicated to the people winning awards.

Prior to this year's show, this was the first time I made it a point to say anything publicly about my disdain for the yearly program. After the first round of nominees were announced (including the baffling "Most Anticipated Game Award"--an award ostensibly created to reward marketing campaigns), I made known via Twitter my belief that the VGAs were little more than a straw man awards show, an elaborate beard constructed to specifically gain Keighley and GameTrailers a mess of exclusive trailers. After all, the vast bulk of the hype surrounding the show was geared toward the big, exclusive reveals from studios like Naughty Dog, BioWare, and the like.

Interestingly, Keighley chose to engage my thoughts on the show directly, asking me what I'd like to see done differently. I explained to him my beef with the needless celebrity pandering, the fact that the awards felt completely secondary to the big exclusive trailers, and that the winners often seemed bewildered as to why they were even there. Keighley was gracious, at least made overtures that my feedback was something he cared about, and asked me to give this year's show a shot. He seemed legitimately enthused about what he and the show's producers had cooked up, so I promised to watch this year's broadcast with an open mind. I won't pretend I didn't still have reservations, but truth be told, nothing would have made me happier than to watch an awards show the video game industry could be excited about, and perhaps even proud of.

Then last night happened.

A rare moment, in which developers were allowed to speak.
A rare moment, in which developers were allowed to speak.

I won't recap the entirety of last night's dreadful spectacle, as much of it has already been recapped via social media and various blogs in the night since. You likely already know that the likes of Charlie Sheen, Hulk Hogan, and the cast of the next American Pie movie were paraded out to breathlessly (or dully, depending on how willing said celebrity was to pretend to be excited about the situation) introduce somewhere in the neighborhood of a dozen exclusive trailers for games not out until next year. You may already be aware that whole swaths of categories were awarded via montage or quick, dismissive voice-over, with only a few actual developers being allowed onto the stage to accept their trophy. You have probably already been informed that host Zachary Levi and sort-of co-host Felicia Day were saddled with material that involved them making off-handed jokes about award bribery right before introducing the Game of the Year Award, and running around with one of the Jonas brothers with velcro suits on, respectively.

Once again, the VGAs were a marketing-driven, tone-deaf disaster, almost entirely bereft of the awards emblazoned right there in the title. A more accurate title might have been GameTrailers and Spike TV Present a Video Game Coming Attractions Extravaganza! Then, in 8-point, Comic Sans font, it would read underneath "Also, some trophies!"

And in a way, that's actually kind of perfect for the video game industry.

A lot of people want to see the VGAs become the "Oscars" for the video game industry. There are a variety of reasons why this can never be the case. One, it's on Spike TV, the network that has brought you such visionary programs as MANswers and 1,000 Ways to Die. Another is that the video game industry isn't really built for something like the Oscars. The Oscars are personality driven, predicated on the notion that you understand who these people are, and why them getting up and giving a big speech is an important thing. As several have pointed out, the video game industry has precious few faces who could go up on a televised stage, and deliver an acceptance speech without the restless mainstream audience simply changing the channel. It is, perhaps, why so few developers were given the opportunity to actually come up and accept their awards, and of the ones that did, one of the less recognizable faces had to be teabagged. You know, to keep the audience interested. Not that that's any excuse for why poor Mark Hamill, who had been nominated for a voice acting award, was dragged out to the show, only to find himself in the bleacher seats and unaware that his award had been announced during the pre-show. He sounded none-too-pleased about that.

The exclusive reveals have all but overridden the alleged importance of the awards themselves.
The exclusive reveals have all but overridden the alleged importance of the awards themselves.

And that right there is the main issue at hand: the utter lack of respect the VGAs have for the very people they're theoretically supposed to be honoring. Go down the line of awards shows, from the Oscars on down to the Teen Choice Awards, and the thing you will see is that, shock of shocks, the people who win their awards are usually given opportunities to accept them. The VGAs didn't even pretend to have an interest in such a thing. They brought up the few developers they seemingly felt obligated to allow on stage, then hurried them off as quickly as possible. Essentially, the message was, "Great, you've got your award, now can you go away so we can show this new Spider-Man trailer?" It's not just disrespectful, it's downright antithetical to the very meaning of an award.

To be clear: "meaning" does not have to equate to "boring." The last thing in the world the video game industry needs is to be treated with dire seriousness. This is simply not that kind of entertainment medium. There are serious games about serious subjects, but the very core of what gaming is rooted in is fun. We want to enjoy ourselves while playing games, so watching an awards show full of tuxedo-wearing developers delivering Important Speeches about Important Things would be senseless. It would not only be dull, but also disingenuous.

Unfortunately, somewhere in the process of designing the VGAs year-to-year, the term "fun" became mistranslated as "idotic." As our own Jeff Gerstmann pointed out during the broadcast, the writers of the VGAs clearly can't find a happy middle-ground between the knowing in-jokes and broad humor aimed at the non-endemic audience. In effect, the VGAs have no idea what they want to be, a show for gamers, or a show for the mass audience. Instead, it's stuck somewhere in the middle, and pleases no one in the process.

I do believe that a middle-ground for such a show can exist. Other industry awards like AIAS, DICE, and the Game Developers Choice Awards have offered glimpses of what a show by the developers, for the developers could actually look like. The GDC awards in particular have generally been pretty good in the last few years, with Tim Schafer proving a more-than-capable host and even some genuinely funny comedy bits tossed in (several of which were courtesy of the Mega64 troupe). The production isn't strong enough to be TV-ready yet, but were a network like, perhaps, G4 (they're still sort of about video games, right?) to toss a little production capital its way, it's something that could totally be broadcast to an audience.

Unfortunately, it's not likely to ever happen on a Viacom network. With Mark Burnett and his team of producers running the show, it's frankly a wonder that this thing even features game developers at all. This is, after all, the man who has been responsible for the last several installments of the MTV Movie Awards, along with several other reality programs I'm guessing you don't have particularly fond feelings toward. Burnett and the executives in charge of programming at Spike TV are the ones that are truly responsible for the decisions made regarding the broadcast. People like Geoff Keighley and Zachary Levi bear much of the hate from the audience--something I, myself, am responsible for too--but truly it's Burnett and Spike's executives that decided that a video game awards show should feature as few actual awards as humanly possible, for fear people may tune away and upset the sponsors.

You can't lay the blame on host Zachary Levi. The dude honestly looked like he was trying.
You can't lay the blame on host Zachary Levi. The dude honestly looked like he was trying.

It's too bad, because one gets the impression that Keighley would love to be working on a more respectable show. While the gleefulness with which he promotes his exclusives is maybe a tad off-putting, Keighley's rep as a writer and personality in the industry isn't smoke and mirrors. His Last Hours pieces and GameTrailers interviews shows he's a man who cares about this industry passionately, and not just for his own self-interest. Unfortunately, he is saddled with a broadcast in which his sole duty is to bring to bear as many exclusive treats as he possibly can, and smile for the pre-show camera. He is tasked with trying to make the game industry not hate this show, and while I'm sure the marketing and PR teams at various publishers are on board, there seem to be no shortage of developers and writers less-than-enthusiastic with what the show offered. I doubt I would have even watched at all were it not for Keighley's promises that this would be a better show, something that the industry could really get behind. I realize now that he probably didn't have much choice there, but it was nonetheless disappointing to find myself watching the same haggard thing we've been offered for the last several years.

I don't even blame Zachary Levi, or much of the rest of the talent involved. When Levi was interviewed by MTV ahead of the show last week, he seemed to be saying all the right things. His "geek cred," or whatever, seemed to be on the up-and-up. When he said he wanted this to be a show families could enjoy watching together, I honestly believed him.

And then the teabagging happened.

At that point, I realized he was just trying to put the best face on a not altogether pleasant situation. Watching him deliver one-liners he clearly hated and try to turn the Augmented Reality segments into something other than confusing and weird, I felt for him. He looked like a man who wanted to host a video game awards show--just not this one.

The question, then, is whether or not another video game awards show can, or should even happen. The VGAs will continue on as they always have. Of this much I am certain. Though the ratings have slipped from year to year, they continue to rise in the core demographic Spike TV unashamedly covets: young males, 18-34. So long as the game publishers get the publicity they crave, and Spike continues to get returns on its desperate pandering to immature boys, then there is no good reason for it to ever change its course. So long as we continue to come for the trailers of upcoming games, and not for the games we're ostensibly supposed to be celebrating, the VGAs will continue to represent the "next big thing" portion of the gaming audience, and no one else.

Perhaps some day, someone will make a video game awards show for those of us who would like to celebrate the best games of this year, and not the biggest ones of next. All I know is that, perhaps years after I should have figured it out, the Spike VGAs are, and never will be that award show. And now that I know, I won't be watching again.

Alex Navarro on Google+


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Edited By timeshero

It might be 4chan, but at least its a step in the semi-correct direction.

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Edited By gosukiller

@risseless said:

It's a real shame that G4 can't actually be a dedicated gamer channel. It seems a perfect place for a real gaming awards show. But they're too busy showing Cops and Campus PD for some reason. They should take their shows like X-Play and Attack of the Show, and use those as a basis for complete programming overhaul to be a real gaming network. Considering how large the gaming industry is, it seems like there's a market for it, if done right.

The problem is that with that, you only get an audience that doesn't watch much TV. A lot of gamers like to play games on their televisions instead.

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Edited By MideonNViscera

This travesty has been going on 9 years? hahaha I thought this was like the 3rd.

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Edited By MachoFantastico

Both articles by Alex and Jeff's speak for a lot of us I think. Couldn't agree more Alex.

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Edited By aaronchance

Alex, when you are right you are terrifying.

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Edited By LordCmdrStryker

@sparks24 said:

First, Geoff K, is an idiot. Period. I don't like him - if it's because of the look of his face (you know, that stupid, slack-jawed look, the one he gives with half open eyes), or because he just comes across as fake over a video. And, if he truly cared about video game devs, he would just stop doing the VGA's. The VGA's is embarrassing, and f*ck i don't want to see another celeb host the show ever again (although Patrick Harris was a great pick for last year's VGA's). Second, I believe we can do a "serious" game dev awards show, just not really with all the tuxedos. Honestly, if Sony's E3 press conferences are any indication, it's that shows can be serious and fun at the same time - not to mention formal.

If you ever heard Keighley talk off-the-cuff about stuff he sounds a lot better and can easily prove his cred. I just think he can't deliver a scripted line for crap. Also, he works for the same company that owns GameTrailers and SpikeTV - Viacom.

"I don't want to do the VGA's."

"No problem. You're fired."

I think we all just have to stop giving the VGA's any attention at all. The biggest ways they get it are advertising on GameTrailers and Spike - their audience is the guys that only ever play Halo and Call of Duty. If it's true that their ratings keep going down then they might be dead sooner than we anticipate.

Maybe we just need to start using new methods of promoting and broadcasting a show such as this. If a stream of League of Legends can get a million live viewers then there's no reason that a Youtube stream of a real gaming awards show can't do the same.

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Edited By MagikGimp

Keighley will probably contact Alex AGAIN; America- the sales executive capital of the world.

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Edited By GeedAwesome

I guess NPH didn't feel a need to return to this sucky awards show.

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Edited By hermes

That was why I skipped the show and checked the trailers on youtube the next morning.

I am aware that it benefits some of the parts of this charade, but I wasn't going to fool myself into thinking this show was anything but a trailer galore...

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Edited By swamplord666

The only awards "show" for videogames that I enjoy reading about is the UKs Develop awards, that celebrates the minds behind our most loved games.

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Edited By snetErz

PAX Guys + GiantBomb + Concert Hall = The Big Live Live Awards Show Live!

Who's with me on this!?

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Edited By veektarius

It sounds like the issue with the show is that it's games-themed schtick rather than schtick designed by video-game playing nerds that will resonate with the intended audience. I think this is a pretty successful games/humor site and few of the best jokes to come out of here have a hell of a lot to do with playing Call of Duty (or anything else). It's just a matter of compatible personalities driving the comedy. Didn't watch the show, though.

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Edited By Keegs


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Edited By oldschool2112

That was a fantastic article sir - AOTY!!


PAX Guys + GiantBomb + Concert Hall = The Big Live Live Awards Show Live!

Who's with me on this!?

Yes this!

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Edited By bhhawks78

@hermes said:

That was why I skipped the show and checked the trailers on youtube the next morning.

I am aware that it benefits some of the parts of this charade, but I wasn't going to fool myself into thinking this show was anything but a trailer galore...

This. 100% I watched it once 3 years ago and see no reason to give them another shot.

Saw a portion of the GDC awards Schaffer (sp?) was an awesome host and Mega 64 has more comedic talent than the entire Spike network combined.

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Edited By darkjester74

Why is anyone surprised by this? The VGAs have ALWAYS been garbage. Always will be. The only thing worthwhile are the new game trailers which are on every gaming site within 24 hours. So...why should I endure this trash?

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Edited By rapid

While I don't think the VGAs should be how Video Games Award shows are, I don't want to see them all formal and sort of artifical with celebrities reading off jokes and dry humor as the Grammy's are. But then again, what would I know about what a Video Game Award show should look like....

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Edited By F__KCOD

Speaking of G4, you guys should to an article about how they really have nothing to do with video games nowadays

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Edited By Ramone

@TimesHero said:

It might be 4chan, but at least its a step in the semi-correct direction.

4chan calling anything puerile, childish or god-awful is laughable.

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Edited By Ravenlight


... an elaborate beard constructed ...

Winner: Best imagery of 2011

Then, in 8-point, Comic Sans font ...

Sick burn!

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Edited By DeadDorf

@alex : idotic => idiotic

Also, you're right on. Geoff Keighley keeps defending the show even after the fact. It's hurting his credibility, frankly.

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Edited By linkster7

This is pretty much how I feel Alex, great article.

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Edited By Commisar123

I'm still not sure how I feel about it to be honest, I mean it was bad, I'm just still digesting it

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Edited By danieljd

I've never watched this award show, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Great stuff Alex.

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Edited By Mahonay

Well said Alex. That's a sadly accurate description of what the Spike Video Game Awards actually are.

I don't care in the sense that it's bad TV (there is plenty of that to go around on any network), I just hate how incredibly poorly it represents gaming as a whole. If this is what they're bringing to the table to open up the medium to a mainstream audience, all it's accomplishing is fueling the stereotypes that are projected onto gamers/gaming by the general public and the Roger Eberts of the world. The core problem is that Spike TV is not interested in the least in putting together anything that actually respects the industry. It's more a commercial to sell products than a legitimate ceremony. They do not actually care about games. That is clear as day.

We are better than this. We are an incredibly intelligent group of people. As many here in this thread have already expressed, it's insulting. As gamers we are in the right to not accept the Spike Video Game Awards as something that belongs to us. I personally would love to see people in the coming years just straight out refusing to even attend but that's probably not going to happen.

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That's an excellent idea: a live stream of the REAL video game awards. I wish they could do this. Like I said, I don't understand why e3 press conferences can gain a lot of attention in its formal state, while the VGA's can't do the same. I know that at E3, you get many announcements/advertizements - but isn't the VGA's like that, but just to a lesser degree? This can work with a formal presentation. The video game industry doesn't need another spike VGA's - they need a real, rightfully-deserved one.

(Now that the UFC has left spiketv, I don't give a crap about that channel. The people that own spiketv just seem like sexist idiots now - i mean, not that they didn't seem like that before, but they do now even more so.)

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Edited By Mitch0712

Great work, couldn't have said it better.

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Edited By obscurefan

Have you guys thought about hosting your own awards show for games? You know, one that is for gamers who have double digit ages and triple digit IQs as opposed to the garbage that Spike TV pours out each year. A show for the gamers who take gaming seriously as an art form as well as a form of entertainment and roll their eyes at even the idea of a teabag joke.

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Edited By drmadhatten

All I have to do is listen to the Giantbomb crew debate Game of the Year awards on the Bombcast. Hours and hours of that is really all I've ever wanted.

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Edited By JuggaloAcidman

Breaking news... Spike TV makes shows that center around fart jokes and plastic tits..! I know this comes as a shock to some of you...

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Edited By bmeckel

I mean yes it gets us exposure, but I don't think it's worth it by pandering to the people who don't have a real interest in games.

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Edited By jagenheim

You had me at "Felicia Day and Brooklyn Decker"

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Edited By leejohnson222

now dont get me wrong i love skyrim, but what is the criteria for game of the year, as this game only runs well on pc. Is technical capabilities not even a consideration here ? to me batman was robbed. What skyrim achieved is amazing but its still so buggy and the experience of the game is so varied for every single player, so to me it can be game of the year unless everyone is getting the same experience of the game.

Also was it just me or did everyone simply get an award, it was like there was a BS category created so everyone won an award, best motion game, what 7 year old kid is voting for the VGA awards ? 90% of motion gamers must be either kids or women playing zumba !!

Then 360 doesnt even win best game in their own category, with 2 xbox 360 exclussives !!!a 3rd party won it, what does that say ?it all seemed very wishy washy to me and more about just making every developer happy.metal gear looked awful to me just another bayonetta game.mass effect is looking amazing and hitman and then naughty dog just showed great quality, hope they deliver a strong story you can see production values will be very high.How does joker get character of the year but not voice of the year, seems another example of trying to please all.Just my view but VGA never seems balanced to me.

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Edited By vyshka

I'm glad I didn't waste time watching it.

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Edited By ShadyPingu

I didn't watch the VGAs. So... I win? I guess?

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Edited By Lobo_Fanboy

Y so serious? Face it, there are plenty of awards handed out that are prestigious and nobody knows or cares about them. I can think of numerous awards that go to authors (you know the people that actually think/invent the concepts we watch and play) in specific genres and nobody cares EXCEPT those that are in the industry. If video games and gaming want an awards show then it's going to be up to developers to uh, develop it. You see the reality is that the video games industry is about MARKETING AND MONEY not necessarily quality product (you know, much like movies these days). If the developers really put together an awards show that truly "honored" and "respected" the gamig industry, it probably wouldn't even be watched by gamers and would most likely take place in a hotel ball room somewhere. Nebulas, anyone...

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Edited By Optimus_Grime

Why so much hate? Don't like it? Don't watch it.

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Edited By Siphillis
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Edited By Ujio

Jesus Christ. Nine years this shit-tacular travesty has been airing? Good God how time flies. I think I watched the very first show because I was genuinely interested in an award show for video games. However the first show was enough to kill any sort of future interest whatsoever. I completely saw through the poorly veiled "award" facade to the true intent behind its creation. I haven't watched the show since and I implore people to do the same.

We don't need a serious award show for video games, but neither do we need whatever the hell the VGAs are supposed to be.

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Edited By WolfmanNCSU

We received what we expected to receive. Based on it's history, anything better would be way too high expectations for this show. If we were to truly roll the show back to what it should be, it would be 30 mins of handing out awards and done - not TV worthy. While I do appreciate the world premieres, all the additionally fluff and celebrities in the middle is just garage to fill time and attempt to attract non-gamer audience.

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Edited By melodeath82

Although i do usually watch the VGA's , I've never taken it as a serious award show.

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Edited By AV_Gamer

I don't take the live award shows seriously, because they don't treat the shows seriously. It's in fact, almost as if these award shows laugh at video games and the gaming industry, instead of honor it.

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Edited By fattony12000

Oh, humans.

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Edited By Generiko

Video poopy awards

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Edited By deathbyyeti

I remember watching Alex's Twitter and how defensive Geoff was being and aggressive

I dont like Geoff Keighley

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Edited By NMC2008

I have not watched any of these without cringing throughout the damn thing, so I guess I will prepare for cringe time tonight. I gotta watch it, it's like watching a cat fall down the stairs with a piano following right behind it.

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Edited By ChrisTaran

I am happy to say that I have never and will never contribute to this vile monstrosity's ratings.

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Edited By dr_ryan

the question is, will Geoff Keighly be self referential and show up with mountain dew and doritos to try and make the funny internet joke his joke, thus ruining the joke and looking even more like a tool.
