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Giant Bomb News


The Studio Behind Flower Reveals Journey

Online desert-roaming confirmed.

The studio behind the curious PSN downloadable Flower, as well as flOw, is at work on another pseudo-exploration game. The kicker is that it will include an online mode where players can experience the game's "emotional chords."  
Journey, according to press materials (via NeoGAF), presents thatgamecompany's "unique vision of an online adventure experience." Taking place in a mysterious world, you'll be able to walk, glide, and fly through a deserty landscape with rippling dunes, all the while discovering details about a mysterious ancient civilization. 

As you can imagine, TGC's approach to online will be different. The details are light, but what has been provided is this factoid: you'll be able to travel by your lonesome or "adventure with strangers" as you play.

Journey is set to release in 2011. It's unclear if it will be a downloadable or not.