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Giant Bomb News


Vita's Resistance Spin-Off Nabs a Subtitle: Burning Skies

The carbine weapon is coming back, too.

The last Resistance spin-off on the PSP was a third-person shooter. Burning Skies is first-person.
The last Resistance spin-off on the PSP was a third-person shooter. Burning Skies is first-person.

Sony announced Vita would be getting a Resistance spin-off at E3 this year but was light on the details. At Gamescom today, Nihilistic Software came on stage to show off Resistance: Burning Skies, an all-new installment in the franchise, developed in conjunction with the folks at Insomniac Games.

Burning Skies takes place prior to the events of Resistance 2, following new character within the Resistance universe, Tom Riley, who carries one hell of an axe. Naturally, it's because the dude's a firefighter. Video games need more firefighters.

Unsurprisingly, the game's making liberal use of Vita's touch screen, mostly for alt-fire modes of the game's weapons. You can launch grenades by touching anywhere on the screen with one weapon, while another allows you to pick missile lock-on targets by dragging your fingera cross the enemies.

Nihilistic is also bringing back the fan-loved carbine weapon for Burning Skies.

The game will be playable at Gamescom--maybe we'll have a chance to go hands-on at PAX?

Patrick Klepek on Google+