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    Doom 64

    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released April 1997

    A full-fledged sequel to id Software's Doom series of first-person shooters, developed by Midway exclusively for the Nintendo 64.

    nginsmall's Doom 64 (Nintendo 64) review

    Avatar image for nginsmall

    Classic Doom gameplay with updated graphics

    *This review is in my old review format, I no longer review games like this.

    Doom 64 is a game that usually gets mixed reviews, but here I'm going to give you my honest review. So lets get this thing started first with graphics. Doom 64 uses sprites instead of 3D models for characters, enemies,weapons, items and anything else so their 2D, so for an example when you find a weapon if you circle around it you'll notice that the weapon or item is always facing towards you. But the enemys are all drawn in eight different angles for the sprites, so if you circle around them you'll see a different part of their body. On top of all that all of the sprites have been re-drawn probobly to make the enemies, weapons, and items fit the mood of the game now. The weapons, and items have a much darker feeling to them. I know that may sound weird but when you play the game you'll see what I mean. The developers did a real nice job re-drawing the sprites for the enemies since now they look scary. Just like in Duke Nukem 64 the game is in 2D/3D so there are 3D objects like the building that your in, and for the most part the levels look very dark like I mentioned earlier. But at the same time of the game looking scarier, the game also looks a lot more brown. Brown is the most used color in the entire game almost every level has brown in it, luckily though they used just the right amount of lighting to make the brown walls and floors to look scary. So over all the GRAPHICS get an 4 they could have used some more vibrant colors in the game, but with the way they were making the game they really couldnt use any other colors or else it wouldnt be scary. Now lets go onto the controls and I'm going to be honest I don't really plan on spending a lot of time on this since they're just controls. Doom 64 has fully customizable controls so you can make the controls any which way you want. Which is fantastic since the default setting are horrible. Not only are the normal default 'A' controls horrible and hurt your hands but so are the other premade controls schemes. So the CONTROLS in Doom 64 are excellent and get a 5 becuase there really isnt anything better when you talking about controls when you can fully customize everything. Well now lets get onto the gameplay acpect of the game. Doom 64 is esentially the exact same thing as Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom. The gameplay hasent evolved at all so you still can't jump, you can't aim up or down you can only turn left or right and strafe, run, and sprint. So this is a tricky one and you have to think about it two ways, one is that they kept the gameplay the same so its pretty much the same old thing that you've been used to for the past decade. Or they could have changed things around to make the game more orignal (which they didn't) I'm going to say that it was a positive thing that they kept the gameplay the same, becuase there are certain things about Doom that make it Doom, just like how there are certain things that make Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem. And theres one more really important thing about Doom that makes it Doom and that is multiplayer. Doom 64 lacks multiplayer 100% so theres absolutely nothing here multiplayer releated, and thats pretty bogus considering that its a Doom game and all other Doom games have some sort of multiplayer. So over all the GAMEPLAY gets an 4, they kept Doom pretty much the same and that s good since the orignal Dooms are good but that was dumb that they didn't add any multiplayer. Lastly I'm going to talk about the sound and believe me this is where this game really shines espcially when put in the package as the new graphics included in this game. In Doom 64 they got rid of all of that metal MIDI music in the DOS versions of Doom and changed it all to this dark and spooky ambient music, and the music tied in with the new sound effects that pretty much a lot of the sound effects with the orignal Doom with this new stuff that goes real well with the graphics and sound. So for an examle when your playing the orignal Doom and you kill a Knight of Hell it makes this weird noise that almost sounds kind of funny becuase its so cheasy, but the new sound effects in this game will make you piss yourself. You might actually not want to kill the demons now that they sound so real and overall the SOUND gets an 4. You may be wondering why I just gave the music an 8 when I said it was perfect and stuff well keep on reading and you'll find you why. Now let me brief everybody of something,Doom 64 came out in 1997 while Doom for the Playstation came out in like 1995, and even though Doom for the PS1 came out two years before 64 it used much brighter coloring and different colors other then brown and was still scary as hell, and had really scary music and sound effects, which just happen to be the same that are in Doom 64 so its pretty depressing to know that this game came out two years later but they didn't do much besides just borrow stuff from other past Doom games to make this one. So over all it like this-

    The graphics are totally orignal and are scary as hell:4
    The controls are totally customizable and thats just pefect:5
    Its the same old thing, thats worked for years:4
    The sound is great but its not orignal:4

    So if your a Doom fan and your looking for more Doom then Doom 64 is just what you've been looking for, its orignal (to a certain extent) and is guaranteed to keep you held over for a few weeks.


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