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    Dragon Age: Origins

    Game » consists of 20 releases. Released Nov 03, 2009

    Dragon Age: Origins is an epic fantasy role-playing game featuring a rich story, personality-driven characters, and tactical, bloody combat. It is considered a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series.

    Anxious to play Dao, but only platform that will run is xbox

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    #1  Edited By Thayne24

    Hey, i have been a huge fan of biowares games thus far and also enjoy the hotbar controlled games like WoW, Torchlight, ect. but i recently came to the conclusion that my pc is so outdated that i cant run dao on it :(. i only have my 360 and i'm very nervous to go play the game there for 2 reasons,
    1. The direct control, is it going to feel like trying to play wow on a console?
    2. The terrible radial menus, i want to have percise easy to navigate controls, is it going to get to the point where i want to just rip the disk out and buy a 1200$ pc?
    i dont want to waste money on this game if it will frustrate me, but i really wanna play :(
    please help gb community! what should i do! is it worth it?

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    #2  Edited By nathos

    If you've played Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox, you'll probably be fine with DA:O on the 360. 
    It's definitely less tactical than the PC version, but it does seem to control pretty well IMO. I'm currently playing on the 360, and will probably do subsequent playthroughs on PC once I upgrade after Christmas.

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    #3  Edited By cstrang

    The game is quite good, and while it's true that the game is clearly designed for the PC (by looking at the graphics and the UI), they actually did a pretty good job bringing it to the consoles in terms of control.  The radials aren't that bad, you'll definitely want to switch from "hold" to "toggle", though.  The only time that skill selection can be a little rough is when you're a mage, just because you want to cast so many spells, and the quick selects only allow for 6 actions/talents/spells.
    The control is still pretty good on the consoles, and the game shouldn't frustrate you if you are playing intelligently.  The controls shouldn't hold you back.

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    #4  Edited By Teran

    I thought consoles got direct control, just not the isometric view.

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    #5  Edited By maxszy

    *sigh* Really not taking this out on you, really I am not, but I am so sick of these threads about people worried about if the game is good on the console or not. Its ridiculously unfounded. The thought that the PC version "SO SO SO MUCH BETTER" has been blown way out of proportion. Its BioWare we are talking about here! They know what they are doing!
    Both of your concerns are unfounded and you should go pick up the 360 edition tomorrow. Radial menus actually work a lot better than you think, i've been quite happy with them for what they are. And the controls are good and work well for your character. You really needn't worry :-)

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    #6  Edited By Teran
    @Maxszy said:
    " *sigh* Really not taking this out on you, really I am not, but I am so sick of these threads about people worried about if the game is good on the console or not. Its ridiculously unfounded. The thought that the PC version "SO SO SO MUCH BETTER" has been blown way out of proportion.
    I couldn't have said it better myself.  A lot of people have implied the console version is inferior to pc in their comparison comments (I'm guilty too) which is true to a small degree however the game doesn't suffer much from being on the console and unless you have played them both probably won't feel the console version is lacking. 
    The pc version is better in terms of user interface and having an isometric view of larger battles is really handy however the pc version has more problems than the console version.  I get the occasional crash to desktop, agility is completely worthless at the moment, and there are a few other minor bugs.   
    The pc version also comes with a toolset players can use to design their own content which will be great if DAO has a strong following which will give pc players more options than waiting for dlc every 3 months but a great game is a great game and if this looks like the kind of game you like the platform you play it on really doesn't matter.
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    #7  Edited By Alphawolfy

    The console version should be fine, I agree that people are really exaggerating about the console version being vastly inferior to the PC version. Playing the PC version, I agree with Teran that there are some problems that I imagine wouldn't be in the console versions. (now I usually save before every area transition-even just going into/out of an inn or house, because I've had it crash during the loading)
    And yes, Bioware has had quite some experience with consoles after KOTOR and Mass Effect, so IMO you should definitely get it.

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    #8  Edited By MichaelBach
    @cstrang said:
    " The game is quite good, and while it's true that the game is clearly designed for the PC (by looking at the graphics and the UI), they actually did a pretty good job bringing it to the consoles in terms of control.  The radials aren't that bad, you'll definitely want to switch from "hold" to "toggle", though.  The only time that skill selection can be a little rough is when you're a mage, just because you want to cast so many spells, and the quick selects only allow for 6 actions/talents/spells.  The control is still pretty good on the consoles, and the game shouldn't frustrate you if you are playing intelligently.  The controls shouldn't hold you back. "

    @Alphawolfy said:
    " The console version should be fine, I agree that people are really exaggerating about the console version being vastly inferior to the PC version. Playing the PC version, I agree with Teran that there are some problems that I imagine wouldn't be in the console versions. (now I usually save before every area transition-even just going into/out of an inn or house, because I've had it crash during the loading)  And yes, Bioware has had quite some experience with consoles after KOTOR and Mass Effect, so IMO you should definitely get it. "

    Agreed!!! Don't be afraid to get the 360 version, if you still have doubts, spend a couple of bucks and rent it.
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    #9  Edited By maxszy
    @Teran: Very well said! 
    @Alphawolfy: Jade Empire also came out on the XBOX right? I played it on the PC so I can't remember exactly but I am pretty sure they had that experience too! :)
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    #10  Edited By Rhaknar

    i put in 50 hours on the 360 version and loved every second of it, didnt have any problems

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    #11  Edited By OmegaPirate

    im on my 3rd 50+ hour playthrough on the 360 version, admittedly i wish i had more than 6 quick selects for my spells/abilities, but the radial menus allow me to quickly change between them anyway - and the game plays just fine!

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    #12  Edited By Jeffsekai

    The 360 version is fine, don't listen to the PC kids.

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    #13  Edited By Venatio
    @Maxszy said:
    " *sigh* Really not taking this out on you, really I am not, but I am so sick of these threads about people worried about if the game is good on the console or not. Its ridiculously unfounded. The thought that the PC version "SO SO SO MUCH BETTER" has been blown way out of proportion. Its BioWare we are talking about here! They know what they are doing!  Both of your concerns are unfounded and you should go pick up the 360 edition tomorrow. Radial menus actually work a lot better than you think, i've been quite happy with them for what they are. And the controls are good and work well for your character. You really needn't worry :-) "
    I think this expresses what I wanted to say, the console version is fine
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    #14  Edited By xyzygy

    Yeah the 360 version is awesome. If you've played KOTOR and liked it there is absolutely no reason to not get this game for your 360 - they are nearly identical in structure and combat, with DA:O having some improvements but still largely the same.

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    #15  Edited By 71Ranchero

    You dont need a $1200 pc to run this game.You dont need a $1200 pc to run ANY games, thats just silly.

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    #16  Edited By dagas

    Depends on what you like about Bioware games. If you like the tactical combat of BG then the 360 version is not for you. It's much more of an action-RPG. If it is the story and dialog you are after like me then it won't matter much that combat is not as good as on the PC.

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    @Teran said:
    " @Maxszy said:
    " *sigh* Really not taking this out on you, really I am not, but I am so sick of these threads about people worried about if the game is good on the console or not. Its ridiculously unfounded. The thought that the PC version "SO SO SO MUCH BETTER" has been blown way out of proportion.
     I couldn't have said it better myself.  A lot of people have implied the console version is inferior to pc in their comparison comments (I'm guilty too) which is true to a small degree however the game doesn't suffer much from being on the console and unless you have played them both probably won't feel the console version is lacking.  The pc version is better in terms of user interface and having an isometric view of larger battles is really handy however the pc version has more problems than the console version.  I get the occasional crash to desktop, agility is completely worthless at the moment, and there are a few other minor bugs.    The pc version also comes with a toolset players can use to design their own content which will be great if DAO has a strong following which will give pc players more options than waiting for dlc every 3 months but a great game is a great game and if this looks like the kind of game you like the platform you play it on really doesn't matter. "

    PC version in the long run, is superior. But only if you have the computer to run it. If your computer bugs out, then the console version is the better choice. This opinion of mine is because the PC version simply has more features. Though, the console version is damn good itself.
    IMO: Agility -is- useless. Why pick it over something else? Unless you're a duelist, I see no reason to upgrade it.

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