People need to deal with mediocrity better.

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Edited By kingzetta

People know full well how to deal with good games and bad games, but no one seems knows how to deal with a game that is right in the middle. I've said it million times, but people that only play like the 5 star games don't know what a bad game is. I don't want this to to be a "Oh you play the popular games, so you suck" thing. I'm saying mediocre games are not amazing, but they are mostly just pleasant. Not every game you play has to be the most amazing thing ever. 
 I just beat Red Faction Armageddon, not the most amazing game I've ever played but it it was pleasant. There were no glitches, it never locked up on me, the controls were good, it entertained me for a week, it was just not the most novel game ever. I thought what more could I reasonably ask for from it. You could say "Well it could have been an open world game like the last one." What if there was an open world and it totally sucked? Jeff talked about when he gave Zelda: Ocarina of Time a 10 out of 10. The other editors said "Are you sure? what it if it was fully voiced?" to which Jeff said "What if it did have voice and it was terribly done? That would make it worst." This is not only true about Red Faction but great mediocre games like Alpha Protocol, wet, vanquish, dragon age 2, castlevania lords of shadow, the saboteur, mercs 2, two worlds 2, singularity. All those games are not amazing, but they are not bad either.

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#1  Edited By kingzetta

People know full well how to deal with good games and bad games, but no one seems knows how to deal with a game that is right in the middle. I've said it million times, but people that only play like the 5 star games don't know what a bad game is. I don't want this to to be a "Oh you play the popular games, so you suck" thing. I'm saying mediocre games are not amazing, but they are mostly just pleasant. Not every game you play has to be the most amazing thing ever. 
 I just beat Red Faction Armageddon, not the most amazing game I've ever played but it it was pleasant. There were no glitches, it never locked up on me, the controls were good, it entertained me for a week, it was just not the most novel game ever. I thought what more could I reasonably ask for from it. You could say "Well it could have been an open world game like the last one." What if there was an open world and it totally sucked? Jeff talked about when he gave Zelda: Ocarina of Time a 10 out of 10. The other editors said "Are you sure? what it if it was fully voiced?" to which Jeff said "What if it did have voice and it was terribly done? That would make it worst." This is not only true about Red Faction but great mediocre games like Alpha Protocol, wet, vanquish, dragon age 2, castlevania lords of shadow, the saboteur, mercs 2, two worlds 2, singularity. All those games are not amazing, but they are not bad either.

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#2  Edited By DeeGee

I'm just so pleased this wasn't yet another rant about people not appreciating DNF that I could kiss you.

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#3  Edited By shivermetimbers

I'm not quite sure I get your point. Is it the fact that we should except what's on our plate because even though it could've been better at least it's not worse? I can take that argument and say that it could've been better. If we accept mediocrity then the world would just do the bare minimum to satisfy us and the world would be a boring place to live.

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#4  Edited By Video_Game_King

I'd say "I'd say that I handle mediocrity rather well", but I play a good number of bad games, so I guess it's a moot point.

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#5  Edited By kingzetta
@DeeGee said:

I'm just so pleased this wasn't yet another rant about people not appreciating DNF that I could kiss you.

No it's more about I people to either relax about games more or have more fun with their games.
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#6  Edited By MikkaQ

I agree to a point, but it doesn't mean the players and press should have to lower their standards either. Mediocrity is nothing to celebrate, sometimes it's even worse than something bad.

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#7  Edited By MysteriousBob

I agree. It reminds me of the recent Splatterhouse remake. It received average reviews (not bad) but all the old school Splatterhouse fans (at least the admin of The West Mansion) began ranting how all game reviewers are incompetent and didn't 'get' the game. You know, that typical "you can't spell ignorant without IGN" rubbish. He even referred to Kotaku as one of the "major game reviewers" which made me laugh my head off.

I bring this up because the exact same thing seems to be happening with DNF, except on a far larger scale.
For the record, Splatterhouse 2010 was a average, yet enjoyable game. It was flawed, yet functional. Bland level design was made up for with the great personality of the Terror Mask, voiced by Jim Cummings. Its a niche game. Fans can be so fickle and need to realise that some games aren't for everyone. Reviews may influence, but if you enjoy a game then ranting about it like a lunatic isn't really a favourable presentation. I mean, it wasn't exactly God Hand by any strech of the imagination. 
I always think of average as 'an equal number of people will like and dislike this game'. Seems about right.

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#8  Edited By kingzetta
@shivermetimbers said:
I'm not quite sure I get your point. Is it the fact that we should except what's on our plate because even though it could've been better at least it's not worse? I can take that argument and say that it could've been better. If we accept mediocrity then the world would just do the bare minimum to satisfy us and the world would be a boring place to live.
I'm not saying stop making good games, just games that aren't amazing aren't crap. People want their minds blown every single time me included, but how about a solidly built game that has all the things you like in it. It's just not the first time you've experienced these things, that sounds good too.
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#9  Edited By kingzetta
@XII_Sniper said:

I agree to a point, but it doesn't mean the players and press should have to lower their standards either. Mediocrity is nothing to celebrate, sometimes it's even worse than something bad.

I not saying I want lower standards. All those games are mediocre and should get mediocre scores. It's just most people think a mediocre game is a bad game and a bad game is a really bad game. I'm just saying mediocrity is not as bad of a thing as most people make it out to be.
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#10  Edited By ArchScabby

I was going to read you blog post, but I heard it's not very good.  I only read blog posts rated 9.0 or higher.

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#11  Edited By babblinmule
@DeeGee said:

I'm just so pleased this wasn't yet another rant about people not appreciating DNF that I could kiss you.

Not what i would have exaaaaactly said, but yes, i agree haha.
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#12  Edited By WarlordPayne

There are a lot of games that I certainly wouldn't consider to be great, but that I absolutely love.  Some games have just the right combination of things that resonate with you, personally, so that you can overlook its flaws.  Anyone who only plays five star games is doing themselves a disservice.  They need to read the actual reviews and see if the game sounds like something that would work for them, they might be pleasantly surprised. 

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#13  Edited By Oldirtybearon
@MysteriousBob said:
I agree. It reminds me of the recent Splatterhouse remake. It received average reviews (not bad) but all the old school Splatterhouse fans (at least the admin of The West Mansion) began ranting how all game reviewers are incompetent and didn't 'get' the game. You know, that typical "you can't spell ignorant without IGN" rubbish. He even referred to Kotaku as one of the "major game reviewers" which made me laugh my head off.

I bring this up because the exact same thing seems to be happening with DNF, except on a far larger scale.
For the record, Splatterhouse 2010 was a average, yet enjoyable game. It was flawed, yet functional. Bland level design was made up for with the great personality of the Terror Mask, voiced by Jim Cummings. Its a niche game. Fans can be so fickle and need to realise that some games aren't for everyone. Reviews may influence, but if you enjoy a game then ranting about it like a lunatic isn't really a favourable presentation. I mean, it wasn't exactly God Hand by any strech of the imagination.  I always think of average as 'an equal number of people will like and dislike this game'. Seems about right.
You nailed it, amigo. Splatterhouse 2010 was average, but for fans of the series it had a certain nostalgic kick that gave it that something extra. I found the same thing with Duke Nukem Forever, and I readily admit it was an average game (not great, but not bad either), yet I got something more out of it because of my history with the franchise.
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#14  Edited By TheDudeOfGaming

So, what you're saying is that average games aren't bad, but that they also aren't great? 
In any case Dragon age 2 is a very good game, but a shitty Dragon Age game, and Alpha Protocol has bad shooting mechanics, everything else is pretty good. 
And i am looking the quicklook for DNF and the game doesn't look THAT bad.

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#15  Edited By kingzetta
@ArchScabby said:
I was going to read you blog post, but I heard it's not very good.  I only read blog posts rated 9.0 or higher.
Well 9.0 or higher blogs are very good, I'm just saying mediocre ones aren't bad.
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#16  Edited By kingzetta
@TheDudeOfGaming said:

So, what you're saying is that average games aren't bad, but that they also aren't great? 

Yes an insanely simple concept, but one very few people actually grasp.
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#17  Edited By Grumbel
@shivermetimbers said:

If we accept mediocrity then the world would just do the bare minimum to satisfy us and the world would be a boring place to live.

That depends and basically goes right back to the OP point. There are very different kinds of mediocrity. Take Alpha Protocol for example, that might have some issues in some peoples eyes, but it also has the best branching story system of any modern action title and is very much worth a play through or two. Its a so called "mediocre" game with which I had far more fun then with a hell of a lot highly polished AAA titles. Same with something like Red Faction: Guerrilla, yeah, its not a perfect game, not by a mile, but there simply is no other game that handles destruction in such a dynamic free form fashion as Red Faction: Guerrilla. Of course there are also other mediocre games that are simply that: Not very good and kind of completly forgettable or even titles that are actually quite polished, but just boring as they do nothing new.. All of that very different stuff gets essentially mushed into a single category people like to call "mediocre", which really doesn't do those games justice and in turn leads to a lot of really good innovative ideas to get kind of forgotten because the developer didn't get them perfect the first time around.
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#18  Edited By FireBurger

I understand that 3-star games aren't bad, but if I have a limited amount of time to play games, I'm going to play 5 or 4 star type games. I don't want to spend 20 hours with a game just wasting time or seeking to content myself on some minimal level. If I'm going to put that much time into a game, I want to get a great experience out of it, or maybe even something I can take away from the game.

There are too many other things I can being doing with my time, rather than simply contenting myself with a mediocre time-waster.

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#19  Edited By kingzetta
@FireBurger said:

I understand that 3-star games aren't bad, but if I have a limited amount of time to play games, I'm going to play 5 or 4 star type games. I don't want to spend 20 hours with a game just wasting time or seeking to content myself on some minimal level. If I'm going to put that much time into a game, I want to get a great experience out of it, or maybe even something I can take away from the game.

That's just it. if you don't like the game, don't play it. What I mean is you can get that great experience from a mediocre game. I've beaten Alpha Protocol like 4 times and have had a blast each time, but Alpha Protocol is still very far from a 5 star game.
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I know this is crazy but mediocrity is not worth $60.  That isn't to say a game is automatically unplayable pile of shit if it is mediocre.  As much as I liked less then stellar games like Hellboy: Science of Evil or Spider-Man: Web of Shadows I would of felt ripped off paying full retail price for these games. 

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#21  Edited By kingzetta
@bartok said:
I know this is crazy but mediocrity is not worth $60.  That isn't to say a game is automatically unplayable pile of shit if it is mediocre.  As much as I liked less then stellar games like Hellboy: Science of Evil or Spider-Man: Web of Shadows I would of felt ripped off paying full retail price for these games. 
Well some are like Alpha Protocol.
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#22  Edited By FireBurger

@kingzetta: Yes, you can get great experiences out of 3-star games, though I would say that is a fairly rare occurrence. I would say that Alpha Protocol, specifically, is an exceptional case because it actually tried to do something different, so while it failed, it sort of did so in a great and unique fashion. So many 3-star type games are simply Generic Fantasy RPG X and Modern Military Shooter 26, which I just don't foresee myself taking anything away from.

Also, when it costs $60 just to test the water, it sort prohibits experimentation and my willingness to take a chance on a game.

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And that's where the way games are priced and our perception of cheaper games needs to change.

If I can have a great experience with a $40 game even though I may have to put up with some bugs or uninspired action scenes etc.. that seems like a pretty good deal.

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#24  Edited By kingzetta
@FireBurger said:

@kingzetta: Yes, you can get great experiences out of 3-star games, though I would say that is a fairly rare occurrence. I would say that Alpha Protocol, specifically, is an exceptional case because it actually tried to do something different, so while it failed, it sort of did so in a great and unique fashion. So many 3-star type games are simply Generic Fantasy RPG X and Modern Military Shooter 26, which I just don't foresee myself taking anything away from.

Also, when it costs $60 just to test the water, it sort prohibits experimentation and my willingness to take a chance on a game.

In that case you have to know what you like. Then you read the review and see if it sounds like something you'd like. I can't tell you the number of times I've read a negative point on a review and thought "Well I actually like that, so it's really a positive to me."
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#25  Edited By NaDannMaGoGo

I don't know man, the game may be considered mediocre overall. But usually that means it has multiple huge flaws nontheless.
And there are a ton of flaws that can ruin the entire experience for me. 
You named Dragon Age 2, look at the recycling of areas. That alone is one huge ass flaw that I couldn't tolerate.
Oh and also, a lot games have great studios behind them or are a sequel to a fairly well received game. 
Of course it's disappointing to the fans if a title turns out to be only mediocre then. Also those titles often don't cost less than high quality games either...

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#26  Edited By MooseyMcMan

I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too. 

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The problem is this: all games cost $60. When people get a great game for that price, they are happy. When they get an ok game for that price, it makes them angry because the same $60 that bought them a very enjoyable game bought them an ok game. If you don't make a habit of paying full price for games that are considered mediocre, then you avoid this problem.

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#28  Edited By kingzetta
@NaDannMaGoGo said:
I don't know man, the game may be considered mediocre overall. But usually that means it has multiple huge flaws nontheless.  And there are a ton of flaws that can ruin the entire experience for me.   You named Dragon Age 2, look at the recycling of areas. That alone is one huge ass flaw that I couldn't tolerate.
That's fine, I'm not demanding you like it. It didn't really bother me much. 
I beat Dragon age 2 twice and most likely the week before DA3 comes out I'm going to beat a third time.
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#29  Edited By YI_Orange

Maybe it's just me, but you seem to be forgetting the place between mediocre and amazing, which is good. I wouldn't call Vanquish mediocre by any means, but I wouldn't call it amazing, I would call it good. I Haven't played alpha protocol, but from what I've heard the story telling is incredible but the gameplay is sub-par, that would land it in the good category for me.

I guess, I'd like to know what makes a game medicore, but still worth playing, as opposed to good? To me, a mediocre game is playable, but not worth playing. Everything it does feels bland and not fun. I see where you're coming from though.

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#30  Edited By ReyGitano

I think people are harsh on mediocre games for the same reason administration was hard on me in middle and high school; something about not living up to potential angers people. The mediocre games people tend to get up in arms about are games with a reputation from developers that we've seen better material come out of before. On the other hand there are games that aren't great that people are pleasantly surprised by because it's unexpected.

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#31  Edited By kingzetta
@MooseyMcMan said:
I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too. 
I thought those games were good too, but the world did not.
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#32  Edited By alistercat

I enjoy mediocre games. It helps remind you what good games feel like.

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#33  Edited By kingzetta
@President_Barackbar said:

The problem is this: all games cost $60. When people get a great game for that price, they are happy. When they get an ok game for that price, it makes them angry because the same $60 that bought them a very enjoyable game bought them an ok game. If you don't make a habit of paying full price for games that are considered mediocre, then you avoid this problem.

Well yeah if you don't think you'll like the game, wait for a price drop. That should be common sense.
If you pay $60 for a game you have no idea you'll actually like, that's 100% your own fault.  People that don't like football should not buy madden, even if it's the most amazing madden game ever.
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#34  Edited By lockwoodx

Sorry but Mediocrity doesn't cut it. My time is worth more than that.

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#35  Edited By kingzetta
@YI_Orange said:

Maybe it's just me, but you seem to be forgetting the place between mediocre and amazing, which is good. I wouldn't call Vanquish mediocre by any means, but I wouldn't call it amazing, I would call it good. I Haven't played alpha protocol, but from what I've heard the story telling is incredible but the gameplay is sub-par, that would land it in the good category for me.

I guess, I'd like to know what makes a game medicore, but still worth playing, as opposed to good? To me, a mediocre game is playable, but not worth playing. Everything it does feels bland and not fun. I see where you're coming from though.

Mediocre by definition is good but not great. You're splitting hairs.
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#36  Edited By Kyle

@kingzetta said:

I thought what more could I reasonably ask for from it. You could say "Well it could have been an open world game like the last one." What if there was an open world and it totally sucked?

That's an absurd argument. What if there was an open world and it was great? This opposite argument makes just as much sense, if not more considering that Guerilla was an open world game that was a large part of what made it great. The reason why this argument worked in 1998 for Ocarina is because most voice overs in 98 were awful. This is not the case with open worlds in 2011.

And a thing you're not considering about all this is the cost of games. Not only are they not cheap, they also all cost the same price. If two games are $60 and one is fantastic and the other is pretty okay, that's a big problem. You're getting less out of it for the same price. If a game isn't as good, it shouldn't cost as much. I brought Prototype last week, and that game is okay. But that's fine, because it cost me $20. If I had bought Prototype for $60 when it came out? I would be pissed, and rightfully so-- I had bought Infamous for the same price the week before and that game was great.

Apply this to any other type of product. For nothing else do you expect two similar products of different quality to be the same price. Why should games be any different?

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#37  Edited By YI_Orange

@kingzetta: Mediocre by definition is neither good nor bad. I happen to think the distinction between a good game and a mediocre game is important because as I said, a mediocre game to me is not worth playing.

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@kingzetta said:
@MooseyMcMan said:
I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too. 
I thought those games were good too, but the world did not.
The world has bad taste.
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#39  Edited By PrivateIronTFU

I think I can safely say I dealt with Alpha Protocol about as well as anybody could have.

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#40  Edited By kingzetta
@Kyle said:

@kingzetta said:

I thought what more could I reasonably ask for from it. You could say "Well it could have been an open world game like the last one." What if there was an open world and it totally sucked?

That's an absurd argument. What if there was an open world and it was great? This opposite argument makes just as much sense, if not more considering that Guerilla was an open world game that was a large part of what made it great. The reason why this argument worked in 1998 for Ocarina is because most voice overs in 98 were awful. This is not the case with open worlds in 2011.

And a thing you're not considering about all this is the cost of games. Not only are they not cheap, they also all cost the same price. If two games are $60 and one is fantastic and the other is pretty okay, that's a big problem. You're getting less out of it for the same price. If a game isn't as good, it shouldn't cost as much. I brought Prototype last week, and that game is okay. But that's fine, because it cost me $20. If I had bought Prototype for $60 when it came out? I would be pissed, and rightfully so-- I had bought Infamous for the same price the week before and that game was great.

Apply this to any other type of product. For nothing else do you expect two similar products of different quality to be the same price. Why should games be any different?

1. When did I say you have to pay $60 dollars for them?
2. You have to know what you like. Then you read the review and see if it sounds like something you'd like. maybe it got a mediocre score because of something you like,   but the reviewer doesn't like
3. What if there was an open world and it was amazing? What if there was a whole other game inside it and that was amazing too? 
With that attitude every game is crap. I think it's more absurd to be dissatisfied  just for the sake of being dissatisfied.
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#41  Edited By birchman

I agree. There is a lot of fun to be had with games that are not the best recieved by critics and players alike.

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#42  Edited By PrivateIronTFU

@SuperfluousMoniker said:

@kingzetta said:
@MooseyMcMan said:
I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too.
I thought those games were good too, but the world did not.
The world has bad taste.

Wait, since when did the world think those were bad games? Most reviewers gave them both pretty good scores.

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#43  Edited By kingzetta
@SuperfluousMoniker said:
@kingzetta said:
@MooseyMcMan said:
I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too. 
I thought those games were good too, but the world did not.
The world has bad taste.
well it's not that the world has bad taste, it's everyone's got a butt and they all sink.
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#44  Edited By Oldirtybearon
@Kyle said:

@kingzetta said:

I thought what more could I reasonably ask for from it. You could say "Well it could have been an open world game like the last one." What if there was an open world and it totally sucked?

That's an absurd argument. What if there was an open world and it was great? This opposite argument makes just as much sense, if not more considering that Guerilla was an open world game that was a large part of what made it great. The reason why this argument worked in 1998 for Ocarina is because most voice overs in 98 were awful. This is not the case with open worlds in 2011.

And a thing you're not considering about all this is the cost of games. Not only are they not cheap, they also all cost the same price. If two games are $60 and one is fantastic and the other is pretty okay, that's a big problem. You're getting less out of it for the same price. If a game isn't as good, it shouldn't cost as much. I brought Prototype last week, and that game is okay. But that's fine, because it cost me $20. If I had bought Prototype for $60 when it came out? I would be pissed, and rightfully so-- I had bought Infamous for the same price the week before and that game was great.

Apply this to any other type of product. For nothing else do you expect two similar products of different quality to be the same price. Why should games be any different?

Guerrilla was not great. At all. Mars was barren and bland, and the fact that the world was so big and so empty just compounded my negative feelings on the game, and this is coming from a die hard Volition fan. 
I honestly don't get why people love Guerrilla so much. It had a lot of neat ideas (and the Hammer was fun to use), but it had a lot more faults than a lot of people on Giant Bomb seem to remember.
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#45  Edited By The_Laughing_Man

Why should I have to dael with it? Why should I waste my hard earned money on a game that does not live up to the hype/standerds? Duke Nukem forever. Rouge warrior. Shit like that should not be allowed. 

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#46  Edited By kingzetta
@PrivateIronTFU said:

@SuperfluousMoniker said:

@kingzetta said:
@MooseyMcMan said:
I take offense to Vanquish being called mediocre. Sure, the game was short, but I thought it was pretty incredible. I would also say Lords of Shadow was better than mediocre too.
I thought those games were good too, but the world did not.
The world has bad taste.

Wait, since when did the world think those were bad games? Most reviewers gave them both pretty good scores.

most reviews for Castivaina were "Hey you like God of War right?" and there were no bad reviews for vanquish, but I don't recall any absolute stellar one either. 
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@PrivateIronTFU: Critical darlings is probably the proper term. If I'm not mistaken, sales were pretty poor for both.
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#48  Edited By kingzetta
@The_Laughing_Man said:
Why should I have to dael with it? Why should I waste my hard earned money on a game that does not live up to the hype/standerds? Duke Nukem forever. Rouge warrior. Shit like that should not be allowed. 
I'm not telling you to. If you don't want them don't buy them.
I didn't buy them, because I didn't want them. You should buy what you actually want, that should be common sense.
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#49  Edited By FritzDude

Reviews and user feedback did not stop me buying Two Worlds, which for some reason i loved, even if it was a broken mess.

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#50  Edited By The_Laughing_Man
@kingzetta said:
@The_Laughing_Man said:
Why should I have to dael with it? Why should I waste my hard earned money on a game that does not live up to the hype/standerds? Duke Nukem forever. Rouge warrior. Shit like that should not be allowed. 
I'm not telling you to. If you don't want them don't buy them. I didn't buy them, because I didn't want them. You should buy what you actually want, that should be common sense.
But why should I accept it? Even if I do buy it? People will. ANd they will be cheated out of their money. People shuld not HAVE to scrape the itnernet. What happened ot hte days when the back of the box was all you needed to judge a game?