Is this girl interested in me? Need some advice!

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#51  Edited By apathylad

Listen to the Bombcast in front of her. That's gotten at least two dudes girlfriends. 
@EpicSteve said: 

" just ask if she wants to go out for lunch or something. Not a full-fledged date, just something to see if she bites. Go from there. "

   To see if she bites? What kind of non-full-fledged dates do you go on?
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#52  Edited By DeShawn2ks
@Jared:  Hard to say just holler at her and find out. The worst that can happen is she can say no.
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#53  Edited By septim
@htr10 said:
" Women are nuts, girls are even crazier.  They chase you like a rabbit until the minute you reciprocate interest then they treat you like a stalker.  That said, a couple of them ain't bad, and it's not like guys have anything else to do with their lives other than make fools of themselves.  Play it cool and you'll be okay if she's really interested.  Not sure the old fashioned "ask her out" method has worked in the last 50 years or so for a college age guy. "
What do you suggest then? I'm in college and have been in the OP's shoes plenty of times. And "playing it cool" hasn't really done jackshit for me.
I'm not being rhetorical. I really want to know because I suck at this stuff.
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#54  Edited By DeShawn2ks
@iam3green said:
" @Jared said:

" Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "

  here have a cookie :)  don't forget to touch her shoulder. she sounds like a gold digger lol. "
Hey F that let me get that cookie.
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#55  Edited By Ragdrazi
@DeShawn2ks said:
" @iam3green said:
" @Jared said:

" Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "

  here have a cookie :)  don't forget to touch her shoulder. she sounds like a gold digger lol. "
Hey F that let me get that cookie. "
That's exactly what I'm thinking... 
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#56  Edited By Jared
@septim said:
" @htr10 said:
" Women are nuts, girls are even crazier.  They chase you like a rabbit until the minute you reciprocate interest then they treat you like a stalker.  That said, a couple of them ain't bad, and it's not like guys have anything else to do with their lives other than make fools of themselves.  Play it cool and you'll be okay if she's really interested.  Not sure the old fashioned "ask her out" method has worked in the last 50 years or so for a college age guy. "
What do you suggest then? I'm in college and have been in the OP's shoes plenty of times. And "playing it cool" hasn't really done jackshit for me.  I'm not being rhetorical. I really want to know because I suck at this stuff. "
I think what may have helped me this time, as opposed to all the others, was just being myself and not attempting to act like someone else. Every week I go to this class after work and I'm just to tired to be someone else, maybe just talking to the girl like I would anyone else helped.
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#57  Edited By Sephiroth9997

Congrats bro!  You just did the impossible! 
What are your plans for the date?  It sounds like she might be interested in seeing your new house, if you know what i'm sayin...
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#58  Edited By Kregan

Great, enjoy the X following shitty years wasted doing everything she asks and buying everything she wants, then reflect back on that thread when you first asked yourself if you should ask her out. 
Then hate yourself. 
P.S: Oh, and she's in it for the money and potential crapload of things you'll buy her.

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#59  Edited By shirogane
@Apathylad said:
Listen to the Bombcast in front of her. That's gotten at least two dudes girlfriends. 
@EpicSteve said: 

" just ask if she wants to go out for lunch or something. Not a full-fledged date, just something to see if she bites. Go from there. "

   To see if she bites? What kind of non-full-fledged dates do you go on? "

You probably don't want to ask that question...
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#60  Edited By htr10
@septim: It gets a lot easier with women when you get older (mid-20s and later).  People are better about not playing games and being upfront about how they're looking for someone.  Until then (i.e. while still in college), most endeavors will lead to disappointment, but it's not like not trying is much of an option, so you just have to go for it while trying to keep some sense of humor about it (which is hard as hell).
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#61  Edited By gamer_152  Moderator
@Jared said:
" Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "
Congratulations duder.
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#62  Edited By Jeust
@TaliciaDragonsong said:
" @Jeust said:
" @TaliciaDragonsong said:
" Ask her out, find the fuck out, problem solved, or not. Make another thread then.  ^_^ "
I wish you good luck and a good outcome! ^^ "
O.o "
Not to you though... ^^
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#63  Edited By Pessh
@Jared said:
" Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "
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#64  Edited By gamb1t

this guy is trolling us

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#65  Edited By Sp3N

Whatever you do, DO NOT bring up that you asked her out becaue a message board told you to.
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#66  Edited By mesklinite
@Jared said:
"@sodiumCyclops said:

" If you just ask her out, the worst she can say is no.   If she's a gold digger and all she want's is the house, then at least you will always be thinking about it and can plan for it. "

Exactly, *writes that down on piece of paper, sticks in wallet "

Don't keep that in your wallet! if she find it she'll flip out!
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#67  Edited By DeadManRollin

@Jared said:

"Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "


Congrats and best of luck with the date...don't go to a cheap place  
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#68  Edited By MadeinFinland

"Don't be a tool, wrap your fool." 
"Protect your junk before you cavity spelunk."

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#69  Edited By Shaanyboi
@Jared said:
" Ok, well I figured "What the hell dude, you only live once, ask her out", I sent her a text and she said yes! Success! "
Glad to hear!
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#70  Edited By mfpantst

Ask her to play with your cholo.  Report back.

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#71  Edited By DrPockets000


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#72  Edited By mzuckerm
@Jared: Pics or it didn't happen.
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#73  Edited By Jared

Well, two dates and it's over, wow. It's odd how things play out sometimes with women, you may think that they truly like you but then whamm you get kicked to the curb, lol. 
Date one went great, second date went great and she was talking about future dates. Last week we sent texts back and forth as usual but I noticed a change in how she was responding later in the week, it was as if she was disinterested. Well, Saturday comes a long and she basically canceled the third date, told me she would let me know her work schedule so we could do it some other time...that never happened. I called her today and was told that she didn't want a relationship as it wouldn't be fair to me since she is so busy and barely has time to hang out with her own friends. I know she's busy but still I work full time and go to class full time and can go out, what a bunch of of BS!
So, sure the sadness settled in, that gut wrenching feeling and an overall desire to just sit and do nothing forever, lol. Well guys, all  I can say is that feeling sucks and after a few hours I was done moping around! 
I ended up signing up for an online dating service and sure enough started talking to this girl who would like to go out this week, lol. In the end breakups suck but I've realized that like with any setback you need to stay positive and keep your chin up, onto the next women!

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#74  Edited By KaosAngel
Online dating services aren't the same!  Be more confident and believe in yourself and find women in the proper places!  Have faith!
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#75  Edited By LiquidPrince
@zombie2011 said:
" I think you should ask her out, worst thing she can do is say no. "
Well she could also say: "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... ew... no." Is that worse?
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#76  Edited By Brendan

I heard has singles.  It says so on my Facebook.  That shit sucks though, I'll take real cheese anyday.
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#77  Edited By KaosAngel

I'm no looker, and a fucking idiot at times!  However, I have hella confidence in myself, and find it easy to talk to women.  You too can do it, and don't lower your standards for online dating.  I bet you're a good guy deep down, and I know it's fucking hard.  Trust me, you gotta just not be afraid!
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#78  Edited By Gizmo

There was this Lithuanian girl I tried so hard to persuade her we were right for each other.  
She just didn't want me, I moped for a few days, I think i'm slowly getting round to it...

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#79  Edited By csl316
@TaliciaDragonsong said:
" Ask her out, find the fuck out, problem solved, or not. Make another thread then.  ^_^ "
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#80  Edited By artofwar420
@Jared: All experiences are good experiences... unless they put something in your drink and you wake up with a sore penis. Let us know how the online dating thing went. And like Mr. Baldwin said, always be slaying.
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#81  Edited By iam3green

well that sucks man. well there are girls in different places. good job on the dating site man.

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#82  Edited By FunExplosions

Sounds like the typical dump. Bottom line is that if she "barely has time for friends," then she just doesn't like you. Any girl will put her friends aside if they like you enough. I know from experience, that if a girl doesn't seem interested, she's not, at all, stop trying. Trust me, hiding in bushes is alright, but when you start following them to their summer cottages, things start to get hairy lol. 
Er, I mean, you're lucky. A lot of times, a girl won't even officially say it's over, and just expect delayed text-backs to be sufficient. I've learned to simply cut off on my end. They know the drill, and they'll definitely keep trying to contact you if they like you.

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#83  Edited By buzz_clik
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#84  Edited By ComradeKritstov
@buzz_clik said:
" Problems like this are why God invented The Brothers McElroy. "
Kiss your dad square on the lips.
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I ain't sayin' she a gold digger...

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#86  Edited By BionicMonster
@LordXavierBritish said:
" @Jared said:
" I wonder if its just me having confidence in class, wearing nice clothes from work (I go straight to class from work) and wanting to own a home has anything to do with it? What do you guys think?  "  
I thought this was incredibly funny.  I'm not sure why. "
Probably because it comes off as a kind of self-flattery, but I don't think he meant it as that.
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#87  Edited By ch3burashka

If she's asking whether you have a girlfriend, chances are she's interested. 
And for fuck's sake, just ask. "Hey, you asked me if I had a girlfriend. Why? Are you interested?"

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#88  Edited By mesklinite
@Jared said:
"Well, two dates and it's over, wow. It's odd how things play out sometimes with women, you may think that they truly like you but then whamm you get kicked to the curb, lol.   Date one went great, second date went great and she was talking about future dates. Last week we sent texts back and forth as usual but I noticed a change in how she was responding later in the week, it was as if she was disinterested. Well, Saturday comes a long and she basically canceled the third date, told me she would let me know her work schedule so we could do it some other time...that never happened. I called her today and was told that she didn't want a relationship as it wouldn't be fair to me since she is so busy and barely has time to hang out with her own friends. I know she's busy but still I work full time and go to class full time and can go out, what a bunch of of BS!  So, sure the sadness settled in, that gut wrenching feeling and an overall desire to just sit and do nothing forever, lol. Well guys, all  I can say is that feeling sucks and after a few hours I was done moping around!   I ended up signing up for an online dating service and sure enough started talking to this girl who would like to go out this week, lol. In the end breakups suck but I've realized that like with any setback you need to stay positive and keep your chin up, onto the next women! "

And keep doing that, eventually you'll find a really cool one, true me, it works!
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#89  Edited By jkz
@ComradeKritstov said:
" @buzz_clik said:
" Problems like this are why God invented The Brothers McElroy. "
Kiss your dad square on the lips. "
You've just gotta get your sexy right. 
Right now you've got your sexy wrong.
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#90  Edited By buzz_clik
@jukezypoo said:
" @ComradeKritstov said:
" @buzz_clik said:
" Problems like this are why God invented The Brothers McElroy. "
Kiss your dad square on the lips. "
You've just gotta get your sexy right.  Right now you've got your sexy wrong. "
That's as maybe, but I totes nailed my centipede.
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#91  Edited By Gunner

Grab her boob. If she slaps you then that means she wants you to do her.
Remember, no means yes in woman speak.

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#92  Edited By AgnosticJesus

You should have known that it wasn't going to last very long since you didn't get any tail after the first date, let along the second.  Have to say, joining an online dating service while in college, when a vast plethora of women are available, is kind of a loser move.  Watch out, the "girl" you met online probably has a dong tucked between her legs. 

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#93  Edited By Kintaro

This reply is I guess in two parts: Pre-dating, and post-dating. Now I'm no expert, I guess I usually do ok with talking to ladies. I do have a tendency to dissect social interactions and find ways to improve it.
Its generally a good rule to follow that if you're confused if the girl is interested or not, especially if you're wondering if the signs you think you're seeing are actual signs, as true. Its easier to plow forward and cautiously back down in a "I was just kidding" manner than to come off as a saintly guy who doesn't acknowledge any natural tensions between male and female. If you ignore the tension, you will come off as too socially-awkward. If you acknowledge it, then you're a normal guy with all that testosterone lying around. They kinda know its there and will feel extremely weird if you don't say anything about it.
Try something like, for example, when both of you are talking to someone else, and standing beside each other, (Facing the direction of the third person you're talking to) calmly, sidle by her while simultaneously talking to the third person, put your arm around her lower back and your hand on her opposite waist. This is a sort of natural "over shoulder" arm hug. (Except its prettier, and not over her shoulder, it goes around her lower back ending on her opposite waist.) And no, don't put your hand on her ass. This, for all intents and purposes, is a side-hug.
If you succeed, this comes off as a natural standing gesture where you both will be comfortable with, at least for a few seconds. Finish your sentence naturally, keeping your side-hug, then let either her or third party say something then just calmly break it off by stepping a little away, gesturing, if possible, if you were speaking at the time.
Now, this was a quick test. You're supposed to see how she would react to this. If this is any at all awkward or she looks like she's not receiving this hug well, then you either messed up or she's not too interested. (That can be changed, but that's another discussion altogether.) The tendency of a side-hug is that her arm where you sidle with will need to move out of her side so you can close the gap. Once you initiate the hug, she'll move this arm elsewhere. The best scenario is if she puts her arm around your own back as well. Thereby making a two-way side-hug. (Actually the best scenario is, if she accepts the side hug and turns her angle more towards you to accept it as a front hug.) If she just accepts it, then you're ok. If she looks uncomfortable, break it off immediately, pretending something made you uncomfortable. (Eg. her tweed sweater) Try to mime that well if you can. Generally just stepping away quickly and gesturing with your hands to interrupt the conversation or even breaking off to check your watch are good, natural mimes to make the quick breakoff look effortless.
Whichever the case, don't ever stay for more longer than about 3 sentences worth of talk. Don't ever stay longer than she feels comfortable with. Always be the one to break it off. If she is the one who breaks it off you'll never be allowed to use the same hug again because she'll want to break it off again.
Some other, more quicker uses of this is when pointing at something and/or whispering. Pointing at something generally makes the other person move their head much closer to yours in eye level and look at what you're hand is pointing at. This natural movement of closing the gap between your faces is obviously also complimented by getting closer side-by-side. This tends to make your shoulders and arms get in the way, and the most natural way to get rid of them and make sure the other person is close enough is to put it around their waist. You can break it off as soon as you finish telling her why you wanted to direct her attention. Finding something to point at is amazingly easy. Try something like "that girl used to date my friend". Or "check out that hat. I want one." Or "ehh look at that. I don't think bright yellow leggings do her any favors." Fashion and relationships pique their interest like crazy. When you have nothing to point to, whispering works too. Whispering is sort of intimate. Its like you have a secret between you two and she likes this, and it looks good to everybody else as well. Applies to this side-hug thing as much as the pointing does. While normal-spaced apart, make eye contact and make a "come here, listen" gesture. This thing always makes them curious. She'll get closer and you do the usual waist hug to anchor it in and whisper. Pick a topic that wouldn't be acceptably said openly and must be whispered. While I've mostly stuck with common friend relationship rumors like "I heard jim and sarah are fighting/dating now." Maybe you can try making something up if you don't have any topics like, "so, I think one of my friends is gay." I usually keep it lighthearted though, because I optionally pause in the middle of my whisper, mime a sniffing action, and do a quick topic change into "are you wearing perfume? mmm." then before they answer or before it goes into that tangent, I go back to finish the whisper.
Ok, I think I'll cut it short here, I've dug a pretty deep rabbit hole it seems.
It seems she was genuinely interested pre-dating, but post-dating was a mess. I'm going to gather that she must have lost interest after finding out what you were like during your 2 dates. Without too much detail on what happened on those first 2, I'm just going to assume she must have either become bored or found out you were not as interesting as she initially thought. (Her first impression must have thought you were an exciting guy who she wants to find out more about.) Like I said, I'm no expert, and without the details of the dates I'm merely assuming here. What you would want to do on dates is make it unusual and exciting. Don't do dinner, movie, that sort of thing. Especially movies. You're spending 2-3 hours mostly not talking to each other and randomly laughing at jokes the screen says, and not genuinely laughing because you're having a good time with each other. Movies is a good time. But not necessarily a good time with each other. You want to be doing some hopping around and spontaneous exploring. Try a few museums, a nice caffe (where the baristas know you by name), then a bookstore, bring your dog (if that's allowed where you're planning to go, or if your place is nearby return to it and pick your dog up to throw frisbees in the park for a short time), take your dog back and continue the "date" by going, maybe for pizza, or a pint, or watch your friend's band. Then that would normally make her comfortable in being in your place enough so when you invite her later for a sip of wine (or whatever) she won't feel weird.
Anyway, the multiple venues is great because it makes her subconscious think that you've been on multiple dates already. It gives her a ton of fun memories and will not remember half her day after that - and this is a good thing. It makes it look like you've been dating forever. She gets a great idea of an adventurous slice of your life and people you meet and things you do. Compare this to one dinner and/or movie - all she remembers is one place, one conversation, and one movie. She meets nobody, she interacts with you very little, and has terribly no fun at all. At the end of the day it will look like a forgettable moment in her life and she will relate this forgettability to your personality. If it was unusually fun however, she will relate the fun to you, and without you, she'll deduce that she won't be having fun at all. Besides, she really likes your beagle/terrier/whatever.
That said, all these things I've mentioned might be already what you're doing, and you're probably a ton more knowledgeable than I am at this, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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#94  Edited By fentonalpha

I suggest standing outside her window every night until she notices, if she freaks out she's not into you.

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#95  Edited By Valco

She take my money
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#96  Edited By KimChi4U
@Jared said:
" Jeez, trying to figure out what girls are trying to say sometimes is a pain in the ass. So, this girl from one of my classes (college) started sitting next to me the second week of class (first week she didn't), she seemed really friendly but I didn't think anything of it at first. One week we had to form groups for a project and the group members shared their phone numbers. Now the girl is texting me a few times a day about stuff in class but tonight she asked if I had any roommates and if I had a girlfriend (I'm buying a house and she knows if from when we gave our class intros). I'm not sure if  if this means she's interested in me or just messing around. Whats odd is she's pretty good looking and I'm kinda average. I wonder if its just me having confidence in class, wearing nice clothes from work (I go straight to class from work) and wanting to own a home has anything to do with it? What do you guys think?  Thanks! "
If getting involved with girls is a pain in the ass, you're doing it wrong. Or, at least, you're doing something wrong.
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#97  Edited By HandsomeDead

I don't know why people aggressively hunt for love. Be happy with yourself and other people become irrelevant.

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#98  Edited By Danteveli

Dude maybe she had period or some stuff like that. Sometimes it happens like one day she doesnt want to see your dace and few days later thay call in just to check on you. Crazy itches.

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#99  Edited By Colin
@Jared:  Yes that "I'm busy" excuse is so full of SHIT it makes me rage, fuck makes me want to slap a chicken.  Anyway glhb on the next one.
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#100  Edited By Hot_Karl
@FunExplosions said:

" Sounds like the typical dump. Bottom line is that if she "barely has time for friends," then she just doesn't like you. Any girl will put her friends aside if they like you enough. I know from experience, that if a girl doesn't seem interested, she's not, at all, stop trying. ... They know the drill, and they'll definitely keep trying to contact you if they like you. "

Yup, you've got it. It works both ways, but basically if a person is interested in you or finds you important in their life, no matter how busy they are, they'll find time for you. Otherwise they either have no interest in you or are really just so messed up that they need to reassess their priorities and figure things out again. But the latter is more of my experience with some "friends" of mine, and the former is really what you should be looking at. She's not interested, I'm assuming, because you probably didn't exactly sweep her off her feet and amp things up (romantically) on the second date. Girls lose interest quickly when it comes to dating if you don't ramp things up immediately. It's why the "friend zone" exists- you've either stated your romantic intentions immediately or you've taken too long, so she puts you in the "benign, somewhat asexual best friend" category. 
For the future OP, if you're interested in the girl, you gotta state your romantic intentions early on. Flirt often- light touching, playful banter, etc. Not a rule of thumb, but you should probably kiss this girl by the second date- that's the biggest message you can send to her, and that definitely won't be misconstrued as "friendly". 

@Kintaro: And you know what you're talking about too. That reminds me, I should probably start re-reading my PUA material again. Strippers just aren't cutting it anymore, I gotta find some real girls again.